Saturday, May 3, 2008

Wasting God’s Time

'And I was afraid, and went and hid your talent in the ground. Look, there you have what is yours.’ Matthew 25:25

“I believe that a balanced diet is a chocolate-chip cookie in each hand.”

Can you believe it--that statement actually made me mad yesterday. I’ll explain. The remark was uttered by the host of our local Christian radio station as part of a feature they were calling; “Complete the sentence, ‘I believe…’.”

Listeners phoned in with their responses and the station played back the recording on the air. For the most part people shared comments that were both wonderful and spiritual; but then the host chimed in with…

“I believe that a balanced diet is a chocolate-chip cookie in each hand.”What?Why do I care?

Well, I don’t care…r-e-a-l-l-y. But the event did serve as a reminder to me. When I am in position to share anything that is Godly in character, especially when the Lord has blessed me with both the ‘ability’ and ‘opportunity’ to do so, I must take full advantage. To not do so is akin to burying my blessings in the backyard; to not do so is sinful.

Blessed to Be a Blessing

God blesses us so that He might bless others through us—it really is the only explanation as to why we are so blessed. Oh sure, God loves us, but He doesn’t love us more than anyone one else. Therefore, He must desire to use us as tools in His hands in order that others might know His love as well. Let us be mindful to never waste an occasion to bless another person when we have been given the ability and opportunity to do so



1 comment:

Dawn Ward said...

Just checking in to make sure you're okay.
