Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Of Boxcars and Thimbles

There is one glory of the sun, another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars; for one star differs from another star in glory. So also is the resurrection of the dead. 1 Corinthians 15:41-42

There is much talk as to what awaits us in Heaven and how the rewards we receive from the Father will be made manifest. One thing is for certain: we will all be pleased because we will all be filled. But what of the vessel, for both a thimble and a boxcar can be filled.

While each star in the Heavens is indeed glorious, they are not the same size; while some are mere specks in the sky, others are enormous. The issue becomes not if we will shine, but how brightly; will we become spiritual midgets or giants.

Does it matter?

Some might say it doesn’t matter—as long as they get to heaven they will be jubilant. That is true: all who make it to Heaven are overjoyed, regardless of their capacity to be filled, or the intensity of their glory. However, I suggest to you that what matters is not our yet-future Heavenly outlook, but our now-present earthly attitude. How happy are you in Jesus at this moment?

I further submit to you that Spiritual happiness is displayed in gratitude, and gratitude manifests itself in works – not works we have to do, but works, or service to the Lord, that we ‘get’ to do.

Do you see the difference?

We don’t have to go to church, we get to go. We don’t have to read our Bibles, we get to. We get to pray, we get to fellowship, and we get to love on one another. We get to share the Good News and we get to be the Body of Christ. We get to shine on earth, and the brighter we shine on earth, the brighter we will shine in Heaven – all for His glory.

Those who are wise shall shine Like the brightness of the firmament, And those who turn many to righteousness Like the stars forever and ever. Daniel 12:3

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COMPASSION dave and the Jesus + Compassion Group (*where sponsors hang out)

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