Tuesday, March 4, 2008

One Million Candles

Jeffry is four years old and he lives with his grandparents in Nicaragua. Jeffry lives in the kind of poverty you and I cannot really comprehend. Jeffry is also the one-millionth registered child through the children Compassion International.

We Celebrate!

First and foremost we celebrate our Creator, for it is He who has willed the Compassion ministry ~and~ all the other ministries founded on the Rock that is His Son, Jesus Christ. All praise, honor, and glory to God the Father, the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

We celebrate the church; that is, the Body of Christ—His hands and feet that continually yield to the will of the Father here on earth. We also celebrate in anticipation that others will be provoked to jealousy; to becoming active, yielding contributors to this same body.

We celebrate Jeffry and all the children that came before him and Lord willing, the countless millions that will follow him. For it is in these children we see the power of our living God displayed; one million candles burning brightly for God’s glory in one million corners of the globe.
How can you not celebrate?

The celebration continues. I ask you, should we not be as exuberant for that nameless kid who represents the one-millionth-and-one registered child, for that child has been registered as well. I submit to you that the best way to celebrate is to have more children at the party. Onward Christians—onward towards saving His second-million children and in Jesus’ name.

Sponsor a Child Today (there must be a link somewhere on this page)

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