Thursday, July 24, 2008
God Said Wait
God Said WaitTrust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths…Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. Proverbs 3:5-6; Matthew 7:7One of the very best things about serving the Lord in His Compassion ministry are the opportunities for fellowship; specifically the exchanges that occur while serving behind a Compassion sign-up table. I had one such encounter the other night.The table traffic was sluggish when *Judy strolled up. I could tell almost immediately that Judy was one of Ocean Grove’s ‘challenged’ inhabitants. I cannot relate precisely her affliction, but to suffice it to say the more we conversed, the more evident it became she struggled with something cerebral.“I want to sponsor a child, ” she began, “how much does it cost?” I explained to her the ministry and how for about one dollar-a-day a sponsorship provides educational opportunities, food, healthcare, and of course, the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ.Judy listened, interrupted often, and eventually explained how she could not sponsor a child at this time due to her financial situation. Then, the conversation began again.Groundhog DayReminiscent of the classic Bill Murray movie, Judy started again, “I want to sponsor a child, ” and then actually upped the ante by declaring she wanted to sponsor two, or maybe three children.Judy now finished every sentence with a probing question to me, “What should I do?” and regardless of what I suggested, her response to me was always the same, “what should I do?”Frustrated But in LoveHave you ever been there? Anyway, “Judy, ” I said, “are you saved?”“Yes, ” she said with a huge smile on her face!“Awesome, ” I said, “we need to bring God in on this one. Will you pray and ask God to tell you what you should do?”I then asked if she was here to listen to Duffy Robbins (the evening’s speaker). She said she was. I told her to go in and find a seat, listen to Duffy’s message and to ask God to give her the answer she desperately needed. She said she would and she walked away to find a seat.Did I Believe?Did I believe God would respond to Judy? Did I believe Judy would reach-out for God in prayer? Well all I can tell you is that this was my hope and prayer. Thirty minutes later Judy made her return.“God Said Wait!”“What!” I said, “God spoke to you?”“Yes, ” she told me excitedly, “God said wait!”“Well praise be to God Judy, ” I replied.To which she responded, “So what should I do?”I laughed. She laughed. We laughed together“I have an idea, ” she said, “I’ll have my cable TV turned off and use that money to sponsor these three children, ” pointing to three child packets on the table.“Judy, ” I said sternly, but lovingly, “God said wait.”“But…”“Judy, we should not disobey God.”The irony is that usually these conversations are the other way around; God is leading someone to sponsor a child and they are looking for every excuse not to obey—in an extreme contrast, Judy desires to be disobedient to God in order that she might save the lives of three children.Judy agreed that listening to God was most important, but not before jotting down the names of the three children she hoped to sponsor one day. I saw Judy later that night sitting alone in the park. She called out to remind me, “I have the names written down, I have the names written down!”And Jesus has your name written down too Judy.Will You Sponsor a Child?Compassion dave PS. Please visit the official Compassion Blog(*Not her real name)
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
You Need to STOP Praying
…We ourselves boast of you among the churches of God for your patience and faith in all your persecutions and tribulations that you endure, which is manifest evidence of the righteous judgment of God, that you may be counted worthy of the kingdom of God…
2 Thessalonians 1:4-5
Stop Praying?
Well not entirely. I simply want to draw attention to our need to stop asking God to release us from things that He has allowed to happen in the first place. I can think of at least two good reasons why. First, these trials are confirmation from God Himself that we are, a) in His will and, b) being obedient to His directives. If we were not, these things would likely not be occurring. In that very sense, they identify us as godly Christians. Suffering of this type is proof you are in Christ and He is in you.
Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. 2 Timothy 3:12
In that truth alone we should rejoice, but wait, there’s more! As we face these trials, God is with us. In fact, it is in these situations He chooses to mold and refine us. These words in James 1:2-4 give illumination:
My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.
Perfection? Completion? Without Lack?
Why in Heaven’s name would anyone desire to pray against these things? I am not proposing a Christian go looking for trouble (Heaven forbid), but when trouble has found us we need to see it as the refining process (of God) that it is. While all believers delight in mountain-top experiences, obedient Christians know that the real fruit of our faith grows in the valleys.
Blessed For a Reason
I’m stepping out on a limb here, but I’m saying it anyway, “You KNOW you’re blessed.” I defy any Christian to deny that statement (although I’ll entertain your argument if you like). So as always, the question remains, “Why are you so blessed?” The answer of course is that so God may bless others by way of your obedience—you are blessed to be a blessing.
Sponsor a Compassion Child
And if you do, I’ll send you a free copy of "Hope Lives: a Journey of Restoration" by Amber Van Schooneveld.
Compassion dave
PS. Please visit the official Compassion Blog
2 Thessalonians 1:4-5
Stop Praying?
Well not entirely. I simply want to draw attention to our need to stop asking God to release us from things that He has allowed to happen in the first place. I can think of at least two good reasons why. First, these trials are confirmation from God Himself that we are, a) in His will and, b) being obedient to His directives. If we were not, these things would likely not be occurring. In that very sense, they identify us as godly Christians. Suffering of this type is proof you are in Christ and He is in you.
Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. 2 Timothy 3:12
In that truth alone we should rejoice, but wait, there’s more! As we face these trials, God is with us. In fact, it is in these situations He chooses to mold and refine us. These words in James 1:2-4 give illumination:
My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.
Perfection? Completion? Without Lack?
Why in Heaven’s name would anyone desire to pray against these things? I am not proposing a Christian go looking for trouble (Heaven forbid), but when trouble has found us we need to see it as the refining process (of God) that it is. While all believers delight in mountain-top experiences, obedient Christians know that the real fruit of our faith grows in the valleys.
Blessed For a Reason
I’m stepping out on a limb here, but I’m saying it anyway, “You KNOW you’re blessed.” I defy any Christian to deny that statement (although I’ll entertain your argument if you like). So as always, the question remains, “Why are you so blessed?” The answer of course is that so God may bless others by way of your obedience—you are blessed to be a blessing.
Sponsor a Compassion Child
And if you do, I’ll send you a free copy of "Hope Lives: a Journey of Restoration" by Amber Van Schooneveld.
Compassion dave
PS. Please visit the official Compassion Blog
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Wasting God’s Time
'And I was afraid, and went and hid your talent in the ground. Look, there you have what is yours.’ Matthew 25:25
“I believe that a balanced diet is a chocolate-chip cookie in each hand.”
Can you believe it--that statement actually made me mad yesterday. I’ll explain. The remark was uttered by the host of our local Christian radio station as part of a feature they were calling; “Complete the sentence, ‘I believe…’.”
Listeners phoned in with their responses and the station played back the recording on the air. For the most part people shared comments that were both wonderful and spiritual; but then the host chimed in with…
“I believe that a balanced diet is a chocolate-chip cookie in each hand.”What?Why do I care?
Well, I don’t care…r-e-a-l-l-y. But the event did serve as a reminder to me. When I am in position to share anything that is Godly in character, especially when the Lord has blessed me with both the ‘ability’ and ‘opportunity’ to do so, I must take full advantage. To not do so is akin to burying my blessings in the backyard; to not do so is sinful.
Blessed to Be a Blessing
God blesses us so that He might bless others through us—it really is the only explanation as to why we are so blessed. Oh sure, God loves us, but He doesn’t love us more than anyone one else. Therefore, He must desire to use us as tools in His hands in order that others might know His love as well. Let us be mindful to never waste an occasion to bless another person when we have been given the ability and opportunity to do so
“I believe that a balanced diet is a chocolate-chip cookie in each hand.”
Can you believe it--that statement actually made me mad yesterday. I’ll explain. The remark was uttered by the host of our local Christian radio station as part of a feature they were calling; “Complete the sentence, ‘I believe…’.”
Listeners phoned in with their responses and the station played back the recording on the air. For the most part people shared comments that were both wonderful and spiritual; but then the host chimed in with…
“I believe that a balanced diet is a chocolate-chip cookie in each hand.”What?Why do I care?
Well, I don’t care…r-e-a-l-l-y. But the event did serve as a reminder to me. When I am in position to share anything that is Godly in character, especially when the Lord has blessed me with both the ‘ability’ and ‘opportunity’ to do so, I must take full advantage. To not do so is akin to burying my blessings in the backyard; to not do so is sinful.
Blessed to Be a Blessing
God blesses us so that He might bless others through us—it really is the only explanation as to why we are so blessed. Oh sure, God loves us, but He doesn’t love us more than anyone one else. Therefore, He must desire to use us as tools in His hands in order that others might know His love as well. Let us be mindful to never waste an occasion to bless another person when we have been given the ability and opportunity to do so
Monday, April 28, 2008
Walking Responsively
I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called... Ephesians 4:1
I don’t know about your pastor, but my pastor always says, “Whenever you see the word ‘therefore’ in the Bible, you must always ask yourself, ‘what’s it there for?’” It’s here (this time) because Paul wants to remind us to sit down before we walk. More accurately he is saying that before we can walk-out our faith we need to remember where we are seated and how we came to be there. Two chapters earlier (in Ephesians 2:5-6) Paul writes…
When we were dead in trespasses, (He) made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus…
Walking effectively in Christ begins when we understand what He has already done for us, realizing that we had nothing to do with it, and that He finished the work on the cross. When we can appreciate this truth, our walks become a response to the love He has already displayed. When we fail to comprehend these facts, our walks become sidetracked as we search for things which are not missing. I like the summary outlined in 2 Corinthians 5:14a and 1 John 4:19:
For the love of Christ compels us…We love Him because He first loved us.
Our Christian walk is a response of gratitude--our reward is not so much what we do as we walk, but the walk itself. I am so thankful that the Lord plucked me from the pig-sty that was my life, gave me a seat in Heavenly places, and now allows me to walk-the-walk. My need to share Him with others is not an obligation, but a reaction to His love.
I don’t know about your pastor, but my pastor always says, “Whenever you see the word ‘therefore’ in the Bible, you must always ask yourself, ‘what’s it there for?’” It’s here (this time) because Paul wants to remind us to sit down before we walk. More accurately he is saying that before we can walk-out our faith we need to remember where we are seated and how we came to be there. Two chapters earlier (in Ephesians 2:5-6) Paul writes…
When we were dead in trespasses, (He) made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus…
Walking effectively in Christ begins when we understand what He has already done for us, realizing that we had nothing to do with it, and that He finished the work on the cross. When we can appreciate this truth, our walks become a response to the love He has already displayed. When we fail to comprehend these facts, our walks become sidetracked as we search for things which are not missing. I like the summary outlined in 2 Corinthians 5:14a and 1 John 4:19:
For the love of Christ compels us…We love Him because He first loved us.
Our Christian walk is a response of gratitude--our reward is not so much what we do as we walk, but the walk itself. I am so thankful that the Lord plucked me from the pig-sty that was my life, gave me a seat in Heavenly places, and now allows me to walk-the-walk. My need to share Him with others is not an obligation, but a reaction to His love.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Your Last Prayer
Therefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, do not cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers… Ephesians 1:15:16
Your Last Prayer
Reflect upon your last prayer a moment. Did you pray for those in dire need, those who are sick and weary, the poor and the down trodden, the addicted and the unsaved? Praise be to God – you did well. But what about the spiritually fit…Did you pray for them? I submit to you that they need your prayers as well?
Think about it. Who is satan most interested in attacking and bringing down? Your alcoholic brother-in-law who isn’t walking with the Lord or that person you know who is walking according to God’s will? Obviously satan is most interested in destroying the obedient Christian.
Stop Praying For the Needy
That is NOT what I am saying. Of course we should be bringing those requests before the Lord. However let us not fail to remember those who are doing well in God’s sight, for arguably, they are in a hazardous position. And how should we pray for them? The next verse from Ephesians informs us……
That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him… Ephesians 1:15:16
Stop Praying For the NeedyI have reconsidered my response to the previous statement. While prayer is always a good course of action, it is not always a necessity. I remember hearing Matt Rindge speak once and he said, “My biggest fear in life is that I’ll be in a horrible car accident and Christians will come to help--instead of administering first aid, they’ll choose to pray over me as I bleed out.” (Paraphrase mine) Let us learn to trust in God’s provision in regards to the prayers we have already prayed.
Let trust in God be evident by our actions...
Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, When it is in the power of your hand to do so. Proverbs 3:27
Your Last Prayer
Reflect upon your last prayer a moment. Did you pray for those in dire need, those who are sick and weary, the poor and the down trodden, the addicted and the unsaved? Praise be to God – you did well. But what about the spiritually fit…Did you pray for them? I submit to you that they need your prayers as well?
Think about it. Who is satan most interested in attacking and bringing down? Your alcoholic brother-in-law who isn’t walking with the Lord or that person you know who is walking according to God’s will? Obviously satan is most interested in destroying the obedient Christian.
Stop Praying For the Needy
That is NOT what I am saying. Of course we should be bringing those requests before the Lord. However let us not fail to remember those who are doing well in God’s sight, for arguably, they are in a hazardous position. And how should we pray for them? The next verse from Ephesians informs us……
That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him… Ephesians 1:15:16
Stop Praying For the NeedyI have reconsidered my response to the previous statement. While prayer is always a good course of action, it is not always a necessity. I remember hearing Matt Rindge speak once and he said, “My biggest fear in life is that I’ll be in a horrible car accident and Christians will come to help--instead of administering first aid, they’ll choose to pray over me as I bleed out.” (Paraphrase mine) Let us learn to trust in God’s provision in regards to the prayers we have already prayed.
Let trust in God be evident by our actions...
Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, When it is in the power of your hand to do so. Proverbs 3:27
Friday, April 18, 2008
God’s Grace and Chuck E Cheese
In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace… Ephesians 1:7
One of things I like about Chuck E Cheese’s is that when you (or your child) is finished playing a game, the machines spits out coupons, which can then be exchanged for a prize. In a small way it is symbolic of the redemption process spoken of in the Bible, for like those coupons, we have little or no face value; it could be said we are worthless.
Enter the Redeemer
You might say that the prize you get in exchange for your tickets (at Chuck E Cheese) is also without worth, and that’s of course where the similarity ends. For we see the blessing Christ provides is beyond the value; it’s worth being incalculable. This would not be possible if God were not rich in grace.
Riches of Grace
Imagine for a moment we’re back at Chuck E's. We’ve counted up our tickets and we announce to the prize-giver-outer guy, “We have three hundred and ninety-two tickets. What do we get?”
“Well, it seems you have just enough for the Mercedes convertible, ” he says.
Now imagine the reaction of your friends and family when you pull up in that shiny new car. That’s grace and it’s just a small glimpse of what our redemption, through Christ’s blood, looks like. What we have to offer the Lord is without worth, but what He desires to give us in exchange is beyond worldly explanation. When we show up at Heaven’s gate, surely every jaw will drop and it will be heard from one end of Heaven to the other, “That is one gracious God we serve!”
Might you be so bold as to share some of that grace?
One of things I like about Chuck E Cheese’s is that when you (or your child) is finished playing a game, the machines spits out coupons, which can then be exchanged for a prize. In a small way it is symbolic of the redemption process spoken of in the Bible, for like those coupons, we have little or no face value; it could be said we are worthless.
Enter the Redeemer
You might say that the prize you get in exchange for your tickets (at Chuck E Cheese) is also without worth, and that’s of course where the similarity ends. For we see the blessing Christ provides is beyond the value; it’s worth being incalculable. This would not be possible if God were not rich in grace.
Riches of Grace
Imagine for a moment we’re back at Chuck E's. We’ve counted up our tickets and we announce to the prize-giver-outer guy, “We have three hundred and ninety-two tickets. What do we get?”
“Well, it seems you have just enough for the Mercedes convertible, ” he says.
Now imagine the reaction of your friends and family when you pull up in that shiny new car. That’s grace and it’s just a small glimpse of what our redemption, through Christ’s blood, looks like. What we have to offer the Lord is without worth, but what He desires to give us in exchange is beyond worldly explanation. When we show up at Heaven’s gate, surely every jaw will drop and it will be heard from one end of Heaven to the other, “That is one gracious God we serve!”
Might you be so bold as to share some of that grace?
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Sustaining Praise
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ… Ephesians 1:3
Just Another Salutation
Isn’t it incredible that Paul would start out this letter to the church at Ephesus by praising the Lord? “Not really dave, ” you might say, “it’s not really that incredible; wonderful perhaps, but not incredible.” Ok, ok, I’ll tell you what makes it incredible.
Paul’s in Jail
When Paul writes, ‘Blessed be God the Father who has blessed us, ’ he is sitting in a Roman prison; he breaks out in praise despite the fact he’s in lock-down. Folks, that is incredible. Do want to know how he can do it?
I submit to you there are at least two reasons. First, Paul fully comprehends that blessings do not come from Jesus, but are realized in Jesus. Jesus is not a genie we go to when we have wants, but a Savior we live in who knows our needs.
For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.
2 Corinthians 1:20
Secondly, Paul has seen the future in Christ, and to say it is ‘bright’ would be a gross understatement. Speaking of himself in 2 Corinthians 12:2-4, Paul wrote…
I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago--whether in the body I do not know, or whether out of the body I do not know, God knows--such a one was caught up to the third heaven. And I know such a man--whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, God knows--how he was caught up into Paradise and heard inexpressible words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.
Reconsider Your PositionTake another look at your problems. Regardless of what they are, if you are in Christ, there is reason to praise the Lord. If for no other reason, others will look at you and say, “That must be some awesome God he (or she) worships!”
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17
He IS Awesome!
Have you shared that news—have you shared the blessing? Are you an Acts 1:8 kind of believer? Do those under your roof know Him? Do your neighbors know Him? Do both your friends and enemies know Him? Has your witness reached the ends of the earth?I present to you the ends of the earth…
Just Another Salutation
Isn’t it incredible that Paul would start out this letter to the church at Ephesus by praising the Lord? “Not really dave, ” you might say, “it’s not really that incredible; wonderful perhaps, but not incredible.” Ok, ok, I’ll tell you what makes it incredible.
Paul’s in Jail
When Paul writes, ‘Blessed be God the Father who has blessed us, ’ he is sitting in a Roman prison; he breaks out in praise despite the fact he’s in lock-down. Folks, that is incredible. Do want to know how he can do it?
I submit to you there are at least two reasons. First, Paul fully comprehends that blessings do not come from Jesus, but are realized in Jesus. Jesus is not a genie we go to when we have wants, but a Savior we live in who knows our needs.
For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.
2 Corinthians 1:20
Secondly, Paul has seen the future in Christ, and to say it is ‘bright’ would be a gross understatement. Speaking of himself in 2 Corinthians 12:2-4, Paul wrote…
I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago--whether in the body I do not know, or whether out of the body I do not know, God knows--such a one was caught up to the third heaven. And I know such a man--whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, God knows--how he was caught up into Paradise and heard inexpressible words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.
Reconsider Your PositionTake another look at your problems. Regardless of what they are, if you are in Christ, there is reason to praise the Lord. If for no other reason, others will look at you and say, “That must be some awesome God he (or she) worships!”
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17
He IS Awesome!
Have you shared that news—have you shared the blessing? Are you an Acts 1:8 kind of believer? Do those under your roof know Him? Do your neighbors know Him? Do both your friends and enemies know Him? Has your witness reached the ends of the earth?I present to you the ends of the earth…
Compassion International,
Jesus Christ,
michael w smith,
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Farming Facts
Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. Galatians 5:7-8
It’s A Fact
We will reap what we sow. It doesn’t matter if we are saved or unsaved, if we sow the seeds of our flesh, we will garner corruption. Oh, our salvation is still intact (our inadvertent sinful dabblings will not condemn us), but the fruit of those occurrences will still be manifest.
Manifested How?
I am not proud of it, but yes, I have seen X-rated movies (and more than a few adult magazines) in my life. The very good news is that I have been forgiven for all that illicit activity and (I am happy to say) I don’t consider them any longer. However, those seeds were still planted. So guess what images pop-up from time-to-time when my eyes might happen upon an alluring situation? You guessed it! The reality is that those images would not appear if those seeds were never planted in the first place.
Plant Better Seeds
And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Galatians 6:9
It’s been years since those aforementioned sins of mine and I am pleased to announce that although the ‘images’ are not completely vanished, their appearances are far and few between. Why? Because I have been sowing a new crop of seeds; seeds of faith and seeds of the Spirit, and their fruit is crowding-out the bad fruit—my Spirit crop is overtaking my fleshly one.
Praise Be to God
Be patient. If we are sowing good seed, the yield will be evident in due season and according to God’s perfect timing. So let us not be deceived, we will reap what we sow—God will never be mocked.
It’s A Fact
We will reap what we sow. It doesn’t matter if we are saved or unsaved, if we sow the seeds of our flesh, we will garner corruption. Oh, our salvation is still intact (our inadvertent sinful dabblings will not condemn us), but the fruit of those occurrences will still be manifest.
Manifested How?
I am not proud of it, but yes, I have seen X-rated movies (and more than a few adult magazines) in my life. The very good news is that I have been forgiven for all that illicit activity and (I am happy to say) I don’t consider them any longer. However, those seeds were still planted. So guess what images pop-up from time-to-time when my eyes might happen upon an alluring situation? You guessed it! The reality is that those images would not appear if those seeds were never planted in the first place.
Plant Better Seeds
And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Galatians 6:9
It’s been years since those aforementioned sins of mine and I am pleased to announce that although the ‘images’ are not completely vanished, their appearances are far and few between. Why? Because I have been sowing a new crop of seeds; seeds of faith and seeds of the Spirit, and their fruit is crowding-out the bad fruit—my Spirit crop is overtaking my fleshly one.
Praise Be to God
Be patient. If we are sowing good seed, the yield will be evident in due season and according to God’s perfect timing. So let us not be deceived, we will reap what we sow—God will never be mocked.
Compassion International,
sowing seeds,
x rated
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
You have become estranged from Christ, you who attempt to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace. Galatians 5:4
The doctrine of legalism does not justify. Anyone who would add the word ‘and’ to the sentence, “Salvation comes by faith in Jesus Christ, ” is essentially saying that Christ’s work on the cross was insufficient. They are in fact declaring, “I must finish the work Jesus began so that I might be saved.”
If that were the case; that is, if you were able to achieve righteousness by your own effort, then of what use is the cross? We might as well toss out our hallelujahs (praises to God) and begin shouting, “Hallelu-US, ” instead. That of course would be ridiculous. Paul would say of this selfish doctrine…
This persuasion does not come from Him who calls you.
I suspect that a little legalism creeps into every Christian’s life. Initially, our motives ‘might’ be pure, after all, we do not want that anyone should perish, but like yeast, that little bit tends to grow and spoil the entire batch. By allowing just a smidgeon, whether we admit to it or not, we are really saying we don’t trust the Father. Let us not give in to the desire to impose rules, regulations, and rituals on ourselves or others.
A little leaven leavens the whole lump. Galatians 5:9
And finally
My ‘issue’ for the week has largely been our freedom in Christ, or more specifically the law of liberty. The bottom line is that we don’t have to do anything, but we sure do get to do a whole lot. And with that consideration, no one is required to help a child living in abject poverty, but what a blessing it is that we get to do such a thing in the name of Jesus Christ.
The doctrine of legalism does not justify. Anyone who would add the word ‘and’ to the sentence, “Salvation comes by faith in Jesus Christ, ” is essentially saying that Christ’s work on the cross was insufficient. They are in fact declaring, “I must finish the work Jesus began so that I might be saved.”
If that were the case; that is, if you were able to achieve righteousness by your own effort, then of what use is the cross? We might as well toss out our hallelujahs (praises to God) and begin shouting, “Hallelu-US, ” instead. That of course would be ridiculous. Paul would say of this selfish doctrine…
This persuasion does not come from Him who calls you.
I suspect that a little legalism creeps into every Christian’s life. Initially, our motives ‘might’ be pure, after all, we do not want that anyone should perish, but like yeast, that little bit tends to grow and spoil the entire batch. By allowing just a smidgeon, whether we admit to it or not, we are really saying we don’t trust the Father. Let us not give in to the desire to impose rules, regulations, and rituals on ourselves or others.
A little leaven leavens the whole lump. Galatians 5:9
And finally
My ‘issue’ for the week has largely been our freedom in Christ, or more specifically the law of liberty. The bottom line is that we don’t have to do anything, but we sure do get to do a whole lot. And with that consideration, no one is required to help a child living in abject poverty, but what a blessing it is that we get to do such a thing in the name of Jesus Christ.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Legalizing Love
Legalizing Love
Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, * and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage. Galatians 5:1
It’s the law!
Imagine if it were the law, that when you met a young man or woman and became ‘serious’ you must write love letters, you must hold hands, or you must buy flowers for them. It certainly is a silly concept isn’t it? It’s silly because when you fall in love with a person those types of things come naturally—they need not be legislated.
Love Does More
This is essentially Paul’s message to the church. We are free of mandatory rites and rituals of religion; we are free because love does more than legalism. Legalism—that doctrine that says, “Salvation is by faith in Jesus Christ and…” something else. There is no ‘something else, ’ it’s just faith in Jesus Christ. If anyone adds the word ‘and’ after the sentence, “Salvation is by faith in Jesus Christ, ” run away…Jesus finished the work on the cross.
It stands to reason that if legalism will drain the passion from an earthly relationship, it will consume a spiritual one as well. We just need examine the church to see all the depleted souls who have given up on Christ because of man’s imposition of religious duty. Faith in Christ Jesus alone will result in free display of passion; enthusiasm, zeal, and love cannot be legislated.
And not only that, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received the reconciliation. Romans 5:11
Compassion Sunday events were held all over the United States yesterday and as a result, thousands of children were sponsored. The good news is that it is never to late to host a Compassion Sunday event at your church. Just follow this Compassion Sunday link to find out more.
And of course it’s never to late to sponsor a child…
Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, * and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage. Galatians 5:1
It’s the law!
Imagine if it were the law, that when you met a young man or woman and became ‘serious’ you must write love letters, you must hold hands, or you must buy flowers for them. It certainly is a silly concept isn’t it? It’s silly because when you fall in love with a person those types of things come naturally—they need not be legislated.
Love Does More
This is essentially Paul’s message to the church. We are free of mandatory rites and rituals of religion; we are free because love does more than legalism. Legalism—that doctrine that says, “Salvation is by faith in Jesus Christ and…” something else. There is no ‘something else, ’ it’s just faith in Jesus Christ. If anyone adds the word ‘and’ after the sentence, “Salvation is by faith in Jesus Christ, ” run away…Jesus finished the work on the cross.
It stands to reason that if legalism will drain the passion from an earthly relationship, it will consume a spiritual one as well. We just need examine the church to see all the depleted souls who have given up on Christ because of man’s imposition of religious duty. Faith in Christ Jesus alone will result in free display of passion; enthusiasm, zeal, and love cannot be legislated.
And not only that, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received the reconciliation. Romans 5:11
Compassion Sunday events were held all over the United States yesterday and as a result, thousands of children were sponsored. The good news is that it is never to late to host a Compassion Sunday event at your church. Just follow this Compassion Sunday link to find out more.
And of course it’s never to late to sponsor a child…
Compassion International,
Jesus Christ,
Friday, April 11, 2008
Stewardess, I've Changed My Mind
What purpose then does the law serve? Galatians 3:19
“Would you like a beverage?” the flight attendant asks sweetly.
“I’ll have a diet coke please, ” you respond.
“Would you like a parachute as well?” she calmly adds.
“A parachute sir. Your life will be much better if you have one…I guarantee it! In fact your life will be full of peace and joy. Having a parachute is the only way sir—I have one, you should have one as well.”
“Thank you, ” you say as you look at her oddly through the corner of your eye, “But I have no need for a parachute, but I am very happy for you and your need to have one. I am glad your parachute gives you peace, comfort, and joy.”
What’s missing?
The attendant, not wanting to upset the passengers, failed to tell them that the plane was in fact going down. Why upset them she likely assumed, they were having such a good time. However, had she shared that little bit of ’critical information’ she would have had more success doling out the chutes.
That’s the purpose of the law!
The law in a sense, lets us know that we are going down--we are in fact all sinners. Tell most folks about salvation through faith in Jesus Christ and they will likely respond that they have no need for saving—they consider themselves ‘basically’ good people. The law declares otherwise.
"There is none righteous, no, not one; There is none who understands; There is none who seeks after God.." Romans 3:10-11
No one seeks after God, at least not until after they realize that God was seeking them first. God sought us by providing the ‘Law’ as a mirror; a mirror that reveals to us how we truly look to Him…Dirty. It is that realization—that we are sinners in need of salvation, that leads us to the parachute that is Christ Jesus.
The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul; The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple; The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes… Psalm 19:7-8
In case you missed it…
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23
***Hey everyone! Pray and fast with us today as we prepare for our nation-wide Compassion Sunday event (April 13, 2008). Can't wait for Compassion Sunday? Then click here --->Compassion Child to sponsor.
“Would you like a beverage?” the flight attendant asks sweetly.
“I’ll have a diet coke please, ” you respond.
“Would you like a parachute as well?” she calmly adds.
“A parachute sir. Your life will be much better if you have one…I guarantee it! In fact your life will be full of peace and joy. Having a parachute is the only way sir—I have one, you should have one as well.”
“Thank you, ” you say as you look at her oddly through the corner of your eye, “But I have no need for a parachute, but I am very happy for you and your need to have one. I am glad your parachute gives you peace, comfort, and joy.”
What’s missing?
The attendant, not wanting to upset the passengers, failed to tell them that the plane was in fact going down. Why upset them she likely assumed, they were having such a good time. However, had she shared that little bit of ’critical information’ she would have had more success doling out the chutes.
That’s the purpose of the law!
The law in a sense, lets us know that we are going down--we are in fact all sinners. Tell most folks about salvation through faith in Jesus Christ and they will likely respond that they have no need for saving—they consider themselves ‘basically’ good people. The law declares otherwise.
"There is none righteous, no, not one; There is none who understands; There is none who seeks after God.." Romans 3:10-11
No one seeks after God, at least not until after they realize that God was seeking them first. God sought us by providing the ‘Law’ as a mirror; a mirror that reveals to us how we truly look to Him…Dirty. It is that realization—that we are sinners in need of salvation, that leads us to the parachute that is Christ Jesus.
The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul; The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple; The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes… Psalm 19:7-8
In case you missed it…
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23
***Hey everyone! Pray and fast with us today as we prepare for our nation-wide Compassion Sunday event (April 13, 2008). Can't wait for Compassion Sunday? Then click here --->Compassion Child to sponsor.
Compassion International,
the law
Thursday, April 10, 2008
The First and the Last
Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, "Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree"*) Galatians 3:13
The First Adam
What we know about the first Adam (at least as it pertains to today’s verse) is found in God’s admonition to him recorded in Genesis 3:17-19:
"Cursed is the ground for your sake; In toil you shall eat of it All the days of your life. Both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you, And you shall eat the herb of the field. In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread Till you return to the ground, For out of it you were taken; For dust you are, And to dust you shall return."
The Last Adam
We know from 1Corinthians 15:45 that Jesus Christ is the last Adam, but what is the significance you might ask? We notice that sin, specifically the sin of the 1st Adam, brought about the curse, the thorns, and the sweat, but Jesus, the last Adam absorbed it all for the sake of all mankind.
Our Jesus took the entire curse upon Himself, He bore the thorns, and He sweat the blood. He prepared His body as bread that in faith we might partake of His flesh thus freely accepting His mercy and grace.
Saved By Faith
In light of all that, why would anyone think that any work of our flesh is required? The work was finished on the cross and all we need do to believe it is done. Our works unto salvation are pointless; attempts to adhere to the law, to rules, and to regulations are futile…Receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.
But What About…
But doesn’t James 2:17 say, “Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead, ” what is that all about? James is simply telling us that works are manifested as a result of faith – faith is not a result of works. Christians do not have to go to church, pray, fellowship, or spend time in the word…We GET to do these things.
We Get To !!!
The First Adam
What we know about the first Adam (at least as it pertains to today’s verse) is found in God’s admonition to him recorded in Genesis 3:17-19:
"Cursed is the ground for your sake; In toil you shall eat of it All the days of your life. Both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you, And you shall eat the herb of the field. In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread Till you return to the ground, For out of it you were taken; For dust you are, And to dust you shall return."
The Last Adam
We know from 1Corinthians 15:45 that Jesus Christ is the last Adam, but what is the significance you might ask? We notice that sin, specifically the sin of the 1st Adam, brought about the curse, the thorns, and the sweat, but Jesus, the last Adam absorbed it all for the sake of all mankind.
Our Jesus took the entire curse upon Himself, He bore the thorns, and He sweat the blood. He prepared His body as bread that in faith we might partake of His flesh thus freely accepting His mercy and grace.
Saved By Faith
In light of all that, why would anyone think that any work of our flesh is required? The work was finished on the cross and all we need do to believe it is done. Our works unto salvation are pointless; attempts to adhere to the law, to rules, and to regulations are futile…Receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.
But What About…
But doesn’t James 2:17 say, “Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead, ” what is that all about? James is simply telling us that works are manifested as a result of faith – faith is not a result of works. Christians do not have to go to church, pray, fellowship, or spend time in the word…We GET to do these things.
We Get To !!!
first adam,
last adam,
Sunday, April 6, 2008
You Were Only Meant To Read This If You Are Reading This
Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, The days fashioned for me, When as yet there were none of them. Psalm 139:16
This past Thursday night I was at the New Monmouth Baptist Church in Middletown, NJ to see the Christian band known as Hawk Nelson. The truth is that I was there as a volunteer for Compassion International hoping to sign-up a gazillion new sponsors for children enrolled in the Compassion program.
That didn’t happen
Daniel Biro, the bass player for Hawk Nelson took time between sets to share about the Compassion child he sponsors and urged those in attendance to sponsor children as well. Afterwards they showed an impressive Compassion video. I stood waiting at the Compassion table for a rush of people that never came.
As the concert came to an end, two teenage girls approached the table and spoke those words that every advocate loves to hear, "We would like to sponsor a child!" After a few moments they walked away with a little girl from Honduras to whom they felt Spiritually led. That was the only child sponsored on this night.
One Child
It is very easy for me to become judgmental in situations such as these. On the drive home I began picking apart the evening in my mind, looking for fault in every corner. Then God spoke to my heart.
"Focus on what’s good, not bad;"God said, "don’t focus on what didn’t happen, but focus on what I did."
Then it hit me--the Lord had this entire evening orchestrated before He laid the foundations of the earth. God knew, long before this little Compassion child was ever born, that He would bring her into a loving relationship with two young, Christian teenage girls from New Jersey. Through them, the body of Christ, He would provide for her needs, both physical and spiritual. One could say that He allowed this entire Christian-concert event to occur just so these three girls could meet.
That is amazing
It also occurred to me that the Lord allowed me to witness this just so I might share it with others. He knew (long before I knew) that I would be writing this post, perhaps so that you might read it and discover for the very first time that God has a child He wants you to meet. Consider this: two teenage girls were given a choice…
And they said yes to God—Will You?
This past Thursday night I was at the New Monmouth Baptist Church in Middletown, NJ to see the Christian band known as Hawk Nelson. The truth is that I was there as a volunteer for Compassion International hoping to sign-up a gazillion new sponsors for children enrolled in the Compassion program.
That didn’t happen
Daniel Biro, the bass player for Hawk Nelson took time between sets to share about the Compassion child he sponsors and urged those in attendance to sponsor children as well. Afterwards they showed an impressive Compassion video. I stood waiting at the Compassion table for a rush of people that never came.
As the concert came to an end, two teenage girls approached the table and spoke those words that every advocate loves to hear, "We would like to sponsor a child!" After a few moments they walked away with a little girl from Honduras to whom they felt Spiritually led. That was the only child sponsored on this night.
One Child
It is very easy for me to become judgmental in situations such as these. On the drive home I began picking apart the evening in my mind, looking for fault in every corner. Then God spoke to my heart.
"Focus on what’s good, not bad;"God said, "don’t focus on what didn’t happen, but focus on what I did."
Then it hit me--the Lord had this entire evening orchestrated before He laid the foundations of the earth. God knew, long before this little Compassion child was ever born, that He would bring her into a loving relationship with two young, Christian teenage girls from New Jersey. Through them, the body of Christ, He would provide for her needs, both physical and spiritual. One could say that He allowed this entire Christian-concert event to occur just so these three girls could meet.
That is amazing
It also occurred to me that the Lord allowed me to witness this just so I might share it with others. He knew (long before I knew) that I would be writing this post, perhaps so that you might read it and discover for the very first time that God has a child He wants you to meet. Consider this: two teenage girls were given a choice…
And they said yes to God—Will You?
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Closeness Doesn’t Count
He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. John 15:5
Weeks ago I stumbled upon a phrase, "our effectiveness in ministry is relative to our closeness to Jesus, ” and I thought at the time, “What a wonderfully true sentiment!” After all, any effective ministry is borne out of a deepening relationship with Christ Jesus. Having said that, today I re-stumbled upon this Bible verse from John 15 realizing that it paints a truer picture.
When I read this piece of scripture I envision myself sawing a limb off an apple tree. Should I have any expectation that fruit will now grow from that limb? Of course not. Might I expect growth if I take that same branch and hold it but a centimeter from the tree, or better yet, prop it against the trunk? No. I would have no fruitful expectations.It is obvious to everyone that in order for fruit to appear, the branch must be attached or grafted back in—closeness does not count. John 15:5 demonstrates practically that my catchy little phrase missed the mark--closeness, it seems is not the same as being attached.
Arguably, this is merely a case of semantics, since those ‘in’ Christ likely consider themselves to be close to Him as well. In that respect I would agree. But the danger exists when a person falsely believes that because there is an appearance of closeness they actually are close. Showing others your picture taken with a celebrity would be an example: “Why yes, me and Bruce Springsteen are very close friends!”
Similarly, we might pray daily, go to church weekly, and fast monthly, but unless we are grafted into the branch, we are no more than limbs leaning up against trees—we appear close, but in reality we’re miles and miles away.
Show me the fruit
We all know plenty of folks who claim closeness to Jesus, but through the years there is no fruit. Oh, they might believe and love Him, but they are not in Him, and He is not in them—if He were there would be fruit all around that trunk. And what does fruit look like?
We can start here:By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another. John 13:35
Weeks ago I stumbled upon a phrase, "our effectiveness in ministry is relative to our closeness to Jesus, ” and I thought at the time, “What a wonderfully true sentiment!” After all, any effective ministry is borne out of a deepening relationship with Christ Jesus. Having said that, today I re-stumbled upon this Bible verse from John 15 realizing that it paints a truer picture.
When I read this piece of scripture I envision myself sawing a limb off an apple tree. Should I have any expectation that fruit will now grow from that limb? Of course not. Might I expect growth if I take that same branch and hold it but a centimeter from the tree, or better yet, prop it against the trunk? No. I would have no fruitful expectations.It is obvious to everyone that in order for fruit to appear, the branch must be attached or grafted back in—closeness does not count. John 15:5 demonstrates practically that my catchy little phrase missed the mark--closeness, it seems is not the same as being attached.
Arguably, this is merely a case of semantics, since those ‘in’ Christ likely consider themselves to be close to Him as well. In that respect I would agree. But the danger exists when a person falsely believes that because there is an appearance of closeness they actually are close. Showing others your picture taken with a celebrity would be an example: “Why yes, me and Bruce Springsteen are very close friends!”
Similarly, we might pray daily, go to church weekly, and fast monthly, but unless we are grafted into the branch, we are no more than limbs leaning up against trees—we appear close, but in reality we’re miles and miles away.
Show me the fruit
We all know plenty of folks who claim closeness to Jesus, but through the years there is no fruit. Oh, they might believe and love Him, but they are not in Him, and He is not in them—if He were there would be fruit all around that trunk. And what does fruit look like?
We can start here:By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another. John 13:35
Bruce Springsteen,
Compassion International,
Monday, March 31, 2008
Practice Your Follow Through
For the administration of this service not only supplies the needs of the saints, but also is abounding through many thanksgivings to God…they glorify God for the obedience of your confession to the gospel of Christ, and for your liberal sharing with them and all men, and by their prayer for you, who long for you because of the exceeding grace of God in you. 2 Corinthians 9:12-14
Administration of what service?The service of giving…Long story short, Paul is encouraging the church of Corinth to part with the gift they promised (a year earlier) to the church in Jerusalem. In so doing, he is reminding the Corinthians (and us) that in 'giving' they are not only providing for the receivers practical needs, but their spiritual needs as well.
God is Glorified
When an individual comes to realize that Jesus is the reason behind a person's generosity, it causes them to give thanks to God. I believe this is one reason why relationship building is so important in the Compassion Ministry. When the child you sponsor comes to realize that Jesus put you up to it (so to speak), that child will tend to give thanks to God for His moving through that sponsor. Essentially your relationship with a sponsored child sets in motion their relationship with Jesus Christ.
That's What Compassion is All
AboutLook at Compassion's Mission Statement—it reads, "In response to the Great Commission, Compassion International exists as an advocate for children, to release them from their spiritual, economic, social and physical poverty and enable them to become responsible and fulfilled Christian adults."
The most important words of this declaration are the first six, "In response to the Great Commission." The people, who were inspired by God to embark on this Compassion ministry must have been well-aware of the spiritual phenomenon revealed in 2 Corinthians 9; the recipient of grace will respond to both giver ~and~ Source. And since we know God is the source of all good things, it is only natural Christians would share that fact with others.
Start the Process
Actually, I want to address this invitation to 'sponsor a child' to a specific group of Christians. The Apostle Paul wrote his exhortation to a body of believers who had previously made a commitment, but for whatever the reason, had not followed through. I would like to extend an exhortation to the person or persons who have similarly made a pledge to the Lord, but as of yet, have fallen short. Perhaps now is your time.
Follow Through
Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift! 2 Corinthians 9:15
Administration of what service?The service of giving…Long story short, Paul is encouraging the church of Corinth to part with the gift they promised (a year earlier) to the church in Jerusalem. In so doing, he is reminding the Corinthians (and us) that in 'giving' they are not only providing for the receivers practical needs, but their spiritual needs as well.
God is Glorified
When an individual comes to realize that Jesus is the reason behind a person's generosity, it causes them to give thanks to God. I believe this is one reason why relationship building is so important in the Compassion Ministry. When the child you sponsor comes to realize that Jesus put you up to it (so to speak), that child will tend to give thanks to God for His moving through that sponsor. Essentially your relationship with a sponsored child sets in motion their relationship with Jesus Christ.
That's What Compassion is All
AboutLook at Compassion's Mission Statement—it reads, "In response to the Great Commission, Compassion International exists as an advocate for children, to release them from their spiritual, economic, social and physical poverty and enable them to become responsible and fulfilled Christian adults."
The most important words of this declaration are the first six, "In response to the Great Commission." The people, who were inspired by God to embark on this Compassion ministry must have been well-aware of the spiritual phenomenon revealed in 2 Corinthians 9; the recipient of grace will respond to both giver ~and~ Source. And since we know God is the source of all good things, it is only natural Christians would share that fact with others.
Start the Process
Actually, I want to address this invitation to 'sponsor a child' to a specific group of Christians. The Apostle Paul wrote his exhortation to a body of believers who had previously made a commitment, but for whatever the reason, had not followed through. I would like to extend an exhortation to the person or persons who have similarly made a pledge to the Lord, but as of yet, have fallen short. Perhaps now is your time.
Follow Through
Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift! 2 Corinthians 9:15
Compassion International,
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Suppose There Were Fifty Righteous
Suppose there were fifty righteous…would You also destroy the place and not spare it for the fifty righteous that were in it? So the Lord said, "If I find…fifty righteous…then I will spare all the place for their sakes." Genesis 18:24+26
The PlanThis verse was NOT the inspiration for my plan. Fact is, the Lord just led me to it today (and I pray He is not bothered by my paraphrase). The plan is not a new plan; you have likely read about it in an earlier thread. The truth be told, the plan is not really a plan at all, but rather a desire of my heart. In reality, there is only aspect of it that has any semblance of a plan…that I have determined to make God a part of it.
Or maybe its God’s plan and He’s going to make me a part of it…
May He send you help from the sanctuary, And strengthen you out of Zion…May He grant you according to your heart’s desire, And fulfill all your purpose. Psalm 20:2 + 4
I once heard somebody say that if you want to hear God laugh, just tell Him your plans. Having said that, I believe my proposal is in accordance with His will, otherwise, I wouldn’t keep jabbering on about it. What is it you say? I want to visit 50 churches in 50 weeks in order to share the message of COMPASSION .
I have reached out to the Lord and again I feel led to reach out to you. I while back I even reached out to Oprah Winfrey (and to you) with my Tell Oprah to put COMPASSION dave on her show campaign. I haven’t given up on Oprah. I would jump at the chance to speak to her TV audience about sponsoring children ~and~ to speak to her about Jesus the Christ.
What YOU Can Do
Now you can reach out for Oprah if you like, but it would be much more practical if your reached out for the pastor of your church. Simply ask your pastor, “Can we have a Compassion Sunday at our church?”
What If Pastor Says, “YES”
Let me know—I’ll be certain to get a ton of free information into his hands and to make all the arrangements. My hope and prayer is to be overwhelmed to the point where God must step in so that His power and might will be displayed—and of course, for His honor and praise.Want To Know More?Drop me a note, or reply to this message and I will be prompt in my response. Would you like to check out the children waiting to be sponsored right now? Then just click on the Compassion banner or my name.
The PlanThis verse was NOT the inspiration for my plan. Fact is, the Lord just led me to it today (and I pray He is not bothered by my paraphrase). The plan is not a new plan; you have likely read about it in an earlier thread. The truth be told, the plan is not really a plan at all, but rather a desire of my heart. In reality, there is only aspect of it that has any semblance of a plan…that I have determined to make God a part of it.
Or maybe its God’s plan and He’s going to make me a part of it…
May He send you help from the sanctuary, And strengthen you out of Zion…May He grant you according to your heart’s desire, And fulfill all your purpose. Psalm 20:2 + 4
I once heard somebody say that if you want to hear God laugh, just tell Him your plans. Having said that, I believe my proposal is in accordance with His will, otherwise, I wouldn’t keep jabbering on about it. What is it you say? I want to visit 50 churches in 50 weeks in order to share the message of COMPASSION .
I have reached out to the Lord and again I feel led to reach out to you. I while back I even reached out to Oprah Winfrey (and to you) with my Tell Oprah to put COMPASSION dave on her show campaign. I haven’t given up on Oprah. I would jump at the chance to speak to her TV audience about sponsoring children ~and~ to speak to her about Jesus the Christ.
What YOU Can Do
Now you can reach out for Oprah if you like, but it would be much more practical if your reached out for the pastor of your church. Simply ask your pastor, “Can we have a Compassion Sunday at our church?”
What If Pastor Says, “YES”
Let me know—I’ll be certain to get a ton of free information into his hands and to make all the arrangements. My hope and prayer is to be overwhelmed to the point where God must step in so that His power and might will be displayed—and of course, for His honor and praise.Want To Know More?Drop me a note, or reply to this message and I will be prompt in my response. Would you like to check out the children waiting to be sponsored right now? Then just click on the Compassion banner or my name.
child sponsorship,
Compassion International,
Oprah winfrey
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Shouldn’t You Be Somewhere Else Right Now?
And the Lord said, "My Spirit shall not strive with man forever…” Genesis 6:3
What time is it?
What did God mean when He said He would not strive with man forever? Essentially the Lord is telling us that He is in pursuit; pursing us so that we might exercise the faith He has given (us) and follow Him. However, His quest will not last perpetually. There will come a time when His pursuit will cease and hearts will be hardened.
It happened to Pharaoh
Did you ever wonder why the Lord said to Moses (regarding Pharaoh), “I have hardened his heart…” (Exodus 10:1)? It happened because the Lord pursued Pharaoh and no doubt gave him numerous opportunities to repent and turn to Him, but he refused. There came a point when the Father knew this man was not going to change, and thus hardened his heart. And it happened--at least in part, as an example for us.
And He will do it to you to if you continue to refuse His grace and gift. It’s called blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. Blasphemy of this kind is not a one time event, but the continual refusal and denial of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Whoever does this is subject to eternal condemnation Matthew 3:29 tells us.
Now is the time!
Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation. 2 Corinthians 6:2b
You know what, maybe now is not your time. Just maybe, the Lord will not accept your denial as permanent and harden your heart. Maybe he will give you another day, week, month, or year to decide. Or maybe He won’t. Maybe this is your last chance—maybe your future is not a heart-hardening, but a radical heart-softening, the likes of which occur when one meets a semi head-on. Either one signals an ugly scenario if you don’t know Jesus as Christ.
Think about it
Why are you here anyway? I don’t mean ‘why are you here’ as in a cosmic kind of way, but why are you here, in a Christian forum, reading threads written by Christians, when you don’t even believe in Jesus Christ. I suggest to you that you were led here by the Holy Spirit because your time as come…The day of your salvation has arrived.The choice is yours, but God will not strive with you forever.
Thus says the Lord: "In an acceptable time I have heard You, And in the day of salvation I have helped You; I will preserve You and give You As a covenant to the people, To restore the earth, To cause them to inherit the desolate heritages… Isaiah 49:8
COMPASSION dave and the Jesus + Compassion Group (*where sponsors hang out) Saved?
What time is it?
What did God mean when He said He would not strive with man forever? Essentially the Lord is telling us that He is in pursuit; pursing us so that we might exercise the faith He has given (us) and follow Him. However, His quest will not last perpetually. There will come a time when His pursuit will cease and hearts will be hardened.
It happened to Pharaoh
Did you ever wonder why the Lord said to Moses (regarding Pharaoh), “I have hardened his heart…” (Exodus 10:1)? It happened because the Lord pursued Pharaoh and no doubt gave him numerous opportunities to repent and turn to Him, but he refused. There came a point when the Father knew this man was not going to change, and thus hardened his heart. And it happened--at least in part, as an example for us.
And He will do it to you to if you continue to refuse His grace and gift. It’s called blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. Blasphemy of this kind is not a one time event, but the continual refusal and denial of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Whoever does this is subject to eternal condemnation Matthew 3:29 tells us.
Now is the time!
Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation. 2 Corinthians 6:2b
You know what, maybe now is not your time. Just maybe, the Lord will not accept your denial as permanent and harden your heart. Maybe he will give you another day, week, month, or year to decide. Or maybe He won’t. Maybe this is your last chance—maybe your future is not a heart-hardening, but a radical heart-softening, the likes of which occur when one meets a semi head-on. Either one signals an ugly scenario if you don’t know Jesus as Christ.
Think about it
Why are you here anyway? I don’t mean ‘why are you here’ as in a cosmic kind of way, but why are you here, in a Christian forum, reading threads written by Christians, when you don’t even believe in Jesus Christ. I suggest to you that you were led here by the Holy Spirit because your time as come…The day of your salvation has arrived.The choice is yours, but God will not strive with you forever.
Thus says the Lord: "In an acceptable time I have heard You, And in the day of salvation I have helped You; I will preserve You and give You As a covenant to the people, To restore the earth, To cause them to inherit the desolate heritages… Isaiah 49:8
COMPASSION dave and the Jesus + Compassion Group (*where sponsors hang out) Saved?
Compassion International,
Monday, March 24, 2008
Paralyzing Ignorance
But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive. Genesis 50:20
An ‘After Easter Dinner’ discussion…
“These children would be better off if we just let them die and then they would go right to heaven.”
As I listened to these words, my eyes closed and my head flopped back into the sofa cushion as if I were suddenly paralyzed. However, in less than a second’s time, anger-provoked adrenalin surged up my spine. My neck stiffened, my eyes opened, and my tongue slipped out quickly moistening my lips, signaling my brain, “Your mouth is clear for take off.”
God Speaks
Anybody ever ask you if Jesus talks to you? Well He speaks to me, and thankfully He spoke to me at this very moment. “Don’t say it, ” was all He said. It was enough. I acknowledged His command by again allowing my neck to go limp.He kept speaking and reminded me that this is why I am an advocate for children living in poverty. Oh, not to verbal battle in situations such as these, but to educate folks who are willing to listen, willing to learn, and willing to obey His Biblical mandates regarding the poor. He also reminded me that I must be prepared. He also gave me a new application for these words found in Ephesians 4:26:
Be angry, and do not sin
Thank you Jesus! The alternative to anger is to not be un-angry, but to be obedient to the Holy Spirit. God says, “Are you angry? Ok, here are some healthy options that will actually make a difference instead of making things worse.”
So, for the last 18 hours or so since ‘it’ occurred, I have been rehearsing the godly response to when someone says, “Let the children die.” The truth be told is that I’ll likely be the next one to say it, as in, “You won’t believe what I heard the other day.”
The Lord allowed that bit of ignorance in my life and He is determined that I use something very bad to do something very right.Oh, by the way, letting children die is not Biblical. If you were a mom or day pleading for the life of your child, would you ever want to hear that your baby would be better of dead. Me either.
This is the proper answer: Child Sponsorship
For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (for the fruit of the Spirit* is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth), finding out what is acceptable to the Lord. Ephesians 5:8-10
COMPASSION dave and the Jesus + Compassion Group (*where sponsors hang out)
An ‘After Easter Dinner’ discussion…
“These children would be better off if we just let them die and then they would go right to heaven.”
As I listened to these words, my eyes closed and my head flopped back into the sofa cushion as if I were suddenly paralyzed. However, in less than a second’s time, anger-provoked adrenalin surged up my spine. My neck stiffened, my eyes opened, and my tongue slipped out quickly moistening my lips, signaling my brain, “Your mouth is clear for take off.”
God Speaks
Anybody ever ask you if Jesus talks to you? Well He speaks to me, and thankfully He spoke to me at this very moment. “Don’t say it, ” was all He said. It was enough. I acknowledged His command by again allowing my neck to go limp.He kept speaking and reminded me that this is why I am an advocate for children living in poverty. Oh, not to verbal battle in situations such as these, but to educate folks who are willing to listen, willing to learn, and willing to obey His Biblical mandates regarding the poor. He also reminded me that I must be prepared. He also gave me a new application for these words found in Ephesians 4:26:
Be angry, and do not sin
Thank you Jesus! The alternative to anger is to not be un-angry, but to be obedient to the Holy Spirit. God says, “Are you angry? Ok, here are some healthy options that will actually make a difference instead of making things worse.”
So, for the last 18 hours or so since ‘it’ occurred, I have been rehearsing the godly response to when someone says, “Let the children die.” The truth be told is that I’ll likely be the next one to say it, as in, “You won’t believe what I heard the other day.”
The Lord allowed that bit of ignorance in my life and He is determined that I use something very bad to do something very right.Oh, by the way, letting children die is not Biblical. If you were a mom or day pleading for the life of your child, would you ever want to hear that your baby would be better of dead. Me either.
This is the proper answer: Child Sponsorship
For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (for the fruit of the Spirit* is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth), finding out what is acceptable to the Lord. Ephesians 5:8-10
COMPASSION dave and the Jesus + Compassion Group (*where sponsors hang out)
Friday, March 21, 2008
Burn Out
For the love of Christ compels us… 2 Corinthians 5:14a
What is the source of your passion for ministry; or more accurately, who is the source of your passion? If it is not the love of Christ, that is, the love Jesus freely gave and continues to give, then it is only a matter of time before you will burn out. Consider Nadab and Abihu--remember them from Leviticus 10:1?
Then Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, each took his censer and put fire in it, put incense on it, and offered profane fire before the Lord, which He had not commanded them.
You could say they were burnt-out.What happened?
The source of their fire; their passion if you will, was not the altar of God, but themselves. Had they relied solely on God, following His direction and guidance, burn-out would have never occurred. And that’s the picture for us—when we try to maintain our own fire, when God alone should be our source, we will suffer burn-out.
Think about it
Remember your last burn-out; unappreciated; feeling like a door mat? Chances are you forgot—you forgot why you were doing what you were doing. Somehow, some way, it was no longer about Jesus and Him crucified; it was about you and your needs.
Not a problem. Don’t panic and don’t despair—just change fuel. Empty your ‘tank’ of ‘you’ and fill it with ‘Him’ and let the love of Christ compel you once again.
...God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him…He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Be loved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. We love Him because He first loved us. 1 John 4:9-11, 19
COMPASSION dave and the Jesus + Compassion Group (*where sponsors hang out)
What is the source of your passion for ministry; or more accurately, who is the source of your passion? If it is not the love of Christ, that is, the love Jesus freely gave and continues to give, then it is only a matter of time before you will burn out. Consider Nadab and Abihu--remember them from Leviticus 10:1?
Then Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, each took his censer and put fire in it, put incense on it, and offered profane fire before the Lord, which He had not commanded them.
You could say they were burnt-out.What happened?
The source of their fire; their passion if you will, was not the altar of God, but themselves. Had they relied solely on God, following His direction and guidance, burn-out would have never occurred. And that’s the picture for us—when we try to maintain our own fire, when God alone should be our source, we will suffer burn-out.
Think about it
Remember your last burn-out; unappreciated; feeling like a door mat? Chances are you forgot—you forgot why you were doing what you were doing. Somehow, some way, it was no longer about Jesus and Him crucified; it was about you and your needs.
Not a problem. Don’t panic and don’t despair—just change fuel. Empty your ‘tank’ of ‘you’ and fill it with ‘Him’ and let the love of Christ compel you once again.
...God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him…He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Be loved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. We love Him because He first loved us. 1 John 4:9-11, 19
COMPASSION dave and the Jesus + Compassion Group (*where sponsors hang out)
Compassion International,
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Piano Man
We are hard pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed…2 Corinthians 4:8-9
Piano Man
A full size piano (depending upon the brand) has about 240 strings which together wield about 20 tons (40, 000 lbs.) of pressure. However, tension and stress alone does not produce sweet tones—access must be granted to the one who can adjust and tweak the strings so that beautiful music might flow.
When we work or operate in our flesh it is akin to a novice tuning a piano—to much pressure on one string and it breaks, break enough strings and we render the instrument useless. Perplexed and in despair, feeling empty, we are defeated.
In Christ
Same tension, same stress, but now it’s under the control of the Master who knows how much pressure each string can bear. We soon recognize the familiar strain and the pressure, but listen, the music is different—it is in fact pleasing to the ear. Same characteristics, but different results—Joy! Why? Because we discovered that our ‘old man’ was an imposter masquerading as a piano tuner and now have submitted ourselves to the One who created us.
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. Romans 12:1
COMPASSION dave and the Jesus + Compassion Group (*where sponsors hang out)
Piano Man
A full size piano (depending upon the brand) has about 240 strings which together wield about 20 tons (40, 000 lbs.) of pressure. However, tension and stress alone does not produce sweet tones—access must be granted to the one who can adjust and tweak the strings so that beautiful music might flow.
When we work or operate in our flesh it is akin to a novice tuning a piano—to much pressure on one string and it breaks, break enough strings and we render the instrument useless. Perplexed and in despair, feeling empty, we are defeated.
In Christ
Same tension, same stress, but now it’s under the control of the Master who knows how much pressure each string can bear. We soon recognize the familiar strain and the pressure, but listen, the music is different—it is in fact pleasing to the ear. Same characteristics, but different results—Joy! Why? Because we discovered that our ‘old man’ was an imposter masquerading as a piano tuner and now have submitted ourselves to the One who created us.
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. Romans 12:1
COMPASSION dave and the Jesus + Compassion Group (*where sponsors hang out)
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Glorious Road Signs
But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord. 2 Corinthians 3:18
From Glory to Glory
Have you ever been driving along a stretch of highway, mile after mile wondering if you are even on the right road? It can be distressing. In the distance you see a sign. As you near it your heart rate quickens, ”What will it reveal?” At last you discover that you are on the proper road and, joy of joys, you’re heading in the right direction. At that particular moment, is not the seeing of that sign a splendid thing?
The true glory though lies ahead, doesn’t it? Whether it is Disney World or grandma’s house, the real glory is in the destination. We might recall the beauty of the road sign, and how it directed us, but alas its glory fades as we scoot by. Ever grateful we drive on to our ultimate glory.
Paul reminds us that Christians are traversing from one glory to another, the latter being exceedingly better than the first. He goes on to tell us what these glories are: the Law and Jesus Christ. 2 Corinthians 3:7-9 make it clearer.
But if the ministry of death, written and engraved on stones, was glorious, so that the children of Israel could not look steadily at the face of Moses because of the glory of his countenance, which glory was passing away, how will the ministry of the Spirit not be more glorious? For if the ministry of condemnation had glory, the ministry of righteousness exceeds much more in glory.
Ministry of Death
The ministry of death (and the ministry of condemnation) are one and the same; they are references to the ‘Law’, while Jesus is the ministry of righteousness. While the ‘Law’ was glorious, the glory of Christ exceeds it. The only reason the ‘Law’ had any glory at all is so we sinners would stand up and take notice; its sole purpose being to identify us (as sinners) and then to operate as a road sign directing us to Jesus Christ—the ultimate glory.
We are grateful for the Law and we recognize its glory and purpose, but to stop at the Law so that we might bask in its fading glory would be as silly as stopping at a road sign and basking in its diminishing glow. Let us move on from glory to glory.
For if what is passing away was glorious, what remains is much more glorious.
2 Corinthians 3:11
COMPASSION dave and the Jesus + Compassion Group (*where sponsors hang out)
From Glory to Glory
Have you ever been driving along a stretch of highway, mile after mile wondering if you are even on the right road? It can be distressing. In the distance you see a sign. As you near it your heart rate quickens, ”What will it reveal?” At last you discover that you are on the proper road and, joy of joys, you’re heading in the right direction. At that particular moment, is not the seeing of that sign a splendid thing?
The true glory though lies ahead, doesn’t it? Whether it is Disney World or grandma’s house, the real glory is in the destination. We might recall the beauty of the road sign, and how it directed us, but alas its glory fades as we scoot by. Ever grateful we drive on to our ultimate glory.
Paul reminds us that Christians are traversing from one glory to another, the latter being exceedingly better than the first. He goes on to tell us what these glories are: the Law and Jesus Christ. 2 Corinthians 3:7-9 make it clearer.
But if the ministry of death, written and engraved on stones, was glorious, so that the children of Israel could not look steadily at the face of Moses because of the glory of his countenance, which glory was passing away, how will the ministry of the Spirit not be more glorious? For if the ministry of condemnation had glory, the ministry of righteousness exceeds much more in glory.
Ministry of Death
The ministry of death (and the ministry of condemnation) are one and the same; they are references to the ‘Law’, while Jesus is the ministry of righteousness. While the ‘Law’ was glorious, the glory of Christ exceeds it. The only reason the ‘Law’ had any glory at all is so we sinners would stand up and take notice; its sole purpose being to identify us (as sinners) and then to operate as a road sign directing us to Jesus Christ—the ultimate glory.
We are grateful for the Law and we recognize its glory and purpose, but to stop at the Law so that we might bask in its fading glory would be as silly as stopping at a road sign and basking in its diminishing glow. Let us move on from glory to glory.
For if what is passing away was glorious, what remains is much more glorious.
2 Corinthians 3:11
COMPASSION dave and the Jesus + Compassion Group (*where sponsors hang out)
ten commandments,
the law
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Who is Buried in Grant’s Tomb?
Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. 2 Corinthians 2:14
Don’t you hate it when you write a letter, an email, or an IM, and the person for which it was intended didn’t ‘get it’? Oh, I don’t mean that they didn’t receive it, but they just didn’t understand what you were trying to say. Quite often the problem is that it is difficult to convey attitude (our tone) when we write. Paul was having the same problem.
While these occurrences tend to frustrate and anger us, Paul chose to diffuse the tension with Godly praise. Why did Paul choose the high road, when we so often choose the low one? A clue is found in your refrigerator—tip it over and what falls out? The answer of course is, ‘whatever is inside of it’. The same is true for the heart: whenever it is nudged, it spills forth whatever is inside. Paul’s heart was filled with love and adoration for Jesus Christ.
What’s in your heart?
But You, O Lord, know me; You have seen me, And You have tested my heart toward You. Jeremiah 12:3a
How many of us see the ‘guy’ who cut us off on the road, or took our parking space as an answer to prayer. Did we not ask that the Lord to search our hearts? Did not our hearts spill-out before us as we slammed on the brakes to avoid a collision? Next time, instead of being angry with the person, let us be grateful to the Lord. After all, He revealed something about us and He responded to our prayers yet again! Can you imagine then thanking that guy for being used by God? Talk about an opportunity to witness!
...Beaten with rods…into prison, But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God…Suddenly…all the doors were opened and everyone’s chains were loosed. Acts 16:22-26
Paul’s heart was filled with love for Jesus and when it’s disturbed, prayer and song springs forth. Please take notice, Paul did not have Acts 16 to read; he could not have surmised, “Ok Silas, we need to pray and sing so God will open these doors.” Paul merely did what he always did. Was the Lord responding to Paul’s adoration? Perhaps, but we know for certain He wasn’t responding to manipulation.
For He knows the secrets of the heart…Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties…And give to everyone according to all his ways, whose heart You know (for You alone know the hearts of all the sons of men) Psalms 139:23; 44:21b; 1 Kings 8:39b
What’s in your heart?
COMPASSION dave and the Jesus + Compassion Group (*where sponsors hang out)
Don’t you hate it when you write a letter, an email, or an IM, and the person for which it was intended didn’t ‘get it’? Oh, I don’t mean that they didn’t receive it, but they just didn’t understand what you were trying to say. Quite often the problem is that it is difficult to convey attitude (our tone) when we write. Paul was having the same problem.
While these occurrences tend to frustrate and anger us, Paul chose to diffuse the tension with Godly praise. Why did Paul choose the high road, when we so often choose the low one? A clue is found in your refrigerator—tip it over and what falls out? The answer of course is, ‘whatever is inside of it’. The same is true for the heart: whenever it is nudged, it spills forth whatever is inside. Paul’s heart was filled with love and adoration for Jesus Christ.
What’s in your heart?
But You, O Lord, know me; You have seen me, And You have tested my heart toward You. Jeremiah 12:3a
How many of us see the ‘guy’ who cut us off on the road, or took our parking space as an answer to prayer. Did we not ask that the Lord to search our hearts? Did not our hearts spill-out before us as we slammed on the brakes to avoid a collision? Next time, instead of being angry with the person, let us be grateful to the Lord. After all, He revealed something about us and He responded to our prayers yet again! Can you imagine then thanking that guy for being used by God? Talk about an opportunity to witness!
...Beaten with rods…into prison, But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God…Suddenly…all the doors were opened and everyone’s chains were loosed. Acts 16:22-26
Paul’s heart was filled with love for Jesus and when it’s disturbed, prayer and song springs forth. Please take notice, Paul did not have Acts 16 to read; he could not have surmised, “Ok Silas, we need to pray and sing so God will open these doors.” Paul merely did what he always did. Was the Lord responding to Paul’s adoration? Perhaps, but we know for certain He wasn’t responding to manipulation.
For He knows the secrets of the heart…Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties…And give to everyone according to all his ways, whose heart You know (for You alone know the hearts of all the sons of men) Psalms 139:23; 44:21b; 1 Kings 8:39b
What’s in your heart?
COMPASSION dave and the Jesus + Compassion Group (*where sponsors hang out)
Compassion International,
paul Grant,
Monday, March 17, 2008
Consolation Prize
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
One More Reason
Nothing bad happens to the Christian unless God allows it. Do you believe that? If you do, you might then ask, “Why would God allow these things; why would God make us uncomfortable just so He could make us comfortable again? The verse tells us why and reminds us that our suffering is ultimately for the benefit of others.
What’s BBB? It’s my acronym for ‘Blessed to Be a Blessing’. Where in the Bible does it say that the reason for our blessing is to be a blessing to others? Right here in 2 Corinthians 1:3-4. When we have gone through a trial ‘relying’ on the Lord, come out on the other side blessed, we have been specially equipped to now share that prosperity with others.
Our Gain is Not Ours
The fact that we are blessed at all is really just a miraculous byproduct of God’s handiwork. The Father purposes to bring Himself honor, glory, and praise, but in His mercy and grace chooses to bless us as well. The truth is that everything we call blessed belongs to Him and in our striving to selfishly keep them we could likely lose them. Let us hold our blessings as if we hadn’t any knuckles.
Remember Your Baptism
Ah baptism-- the time we symbolically die to ourselves; that blessed time when we handed over the reins of our lives to the One who Reigns over our lives. Baptism also symbolizes the tribulation and comfort spoken of in 2 Corinthians, as baptism is a picture of God’s promise to us. Let us share the promise—let us comfort those who now suffer.
Give to him who asks you, and from him who wants to borrow from you do not turn away. Matthew 5:42
COMPASSION dave and the Jesus + Compassion Group (*where sponsors hang out)
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
One More Reason
Nothing bad happens to the Christian unless God allows it. Do you believe that? If you do, you might then ask, “Why would God allow these things; why would God make us uncomfortable just so He could make us comfortable again? The verse tells us why and reminds us that our suffering is ultimately for the benefit of others.
What’s BBB? It’s my acronym for ‘Blessed to Be a Blessing’. Where in the Bible does it say that the reason for our blessing is to be a blessing to others? Right here in 2 Corinthians 1:3-4. When we have gone through a trial ‘relying’ on the Lord, come out on the other side blessed, we have been specially equipped to now share that prosperity with others.
Our Gain is Not Ours
The fact that we are blessed at all is really just a miraculous byproduct of God’s handiwork. The Father purposes to bring Himself honor, glory, and praise, but in His mercy and grace chooses to bless us as well. The truth is that everything we call blessed belongs to Him and in our striving to selfishly keep them we could likely lose them. Let us hold our blessings as if we hadn’t any knuckles.
Remember Your Baptism
Ah baptism-- the time we symbolically die to ourselves; that blessed time when we handed over the reins of our lives to the One who Reigns over our lives. Baptism also symbolizes the tribulation and comfort spoken of in 2 Corinthians, as baptism is a picture of God’s promise to us. Let us share the promise—let us comfort those who now suffer.
Give to him who asks you, and from him who wants to borrow from you do not turn away. Matthew 5:42
COMPASSION dave and the Jesus + Compassion Group (*where sponsors hang out)
Compassion International,
Friday, March 14, 2008
Submission to Addiction
I beseech you, brethren, (ye know the house of Stephanas…that they have addicted themselves to the ministry of the saints,) That ye submit yourselves unto such, and to every one that helpeth with us, and laboureth.1 Corinthians 16:15-16
The truth is that we are all addicted to something. When I was a cop, I was addicted to police work. Simultaneously I was addicted to golf. At other times in my life I have been addicted to drugs, alcohol, and women. Bob Dylan balanced addiction with service, conceding that we’re all going to ‘Serve somebody’ or something:
You may be an ambassador to England or France,
You may like to gamble,
you might like to dance,
You may be the heavyweight champion of the world,
You may be a socialite with a long string of pearls
But you’re gonna have to serve somebody,
yes indeedYou’re gonna have to serve somebody,
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you’re gonna have to serve somebody.
We should not be shocked
When the Lord created us, He incorporated into our framework ‘a need to worship’, but because God is love, he also incorporated the ability to freely choose. Paul reminds us (as does Bob) that we should choose wisely and that we should submit ourselves to those who are presently addicted to Christ Jesus and His ministries.
Let us submit ourselves first to God, and then according to His will, to those who are addicted and devoted to Him and the fulfilling of His creation on earth and beyond. Let us beware the embrace of our adversary.Open rebuke is better than love carefully concealed.
Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful. Proverbs 27:5-6
COMPASSION dave and the Jesus + Compassion Group (*where sponsors hang out)
The truth is that we are all addicted to something. When I was a cop, I was addicted to police work. Simultaneously I was addicted to golf. At other times in my life I have been addicted to drugs, alcohol, and women. Bob Dylan balanced addiction with service, conceding that we’re all going to ‘Serve somebody’ or something:
You may be an ambassador to England or France,
You may like to gamble,
you might like to dance,
You may be the heavyweight champion of the world,
You may be a socialite with a long string of pearls
But you’re gonna have to serve somebody,
yes indeedYou’re gonna have to serve somebody,
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you’re gonna have to serve somebody.
We should not be shocked
When the Lord created us, He incorporated into our framework ‘a need to worship’, but because God is love, he also incorporated the ability to freely choose. Paul reminds us (as does Bob) that we should choose wisely and that we should submit ourselves to those who are presently addicted to Christ Jesus and His ministries.
Let us submit ourselves first to God, and then according to His will, to those who are addicted and devoted to Him and the fulfilling of His creation on earth and beyond. Let us beware the embrace of our adversary.Open rebuke is better than love carefully concealed.
Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful. Proverbs 27:5-6
COMPASSION dave and the Jesus + Compassion Group (*where sponsors hang out)
Bob Dylan,
Compassion International,
Thursday, March 13, 2008
God’s Not My Co-Pilot ~ He’s My Travel Agent
Now I will come to you…And it may be that I will remain, or even spend the winter with you, that you may send me on my journey, wherever I go…if the Lord permits. 1 Corinthians 16:5-7
Paul was one smart fellow. He had the spiritual insight to know that whatever he did, or wherever he went was first and foremost dependant upon the will of his travel agent—God the Father. Do you trust your itinerary to God?
You Should
Consider Romans 1:13 and its implication:
Now I do not want you to be unaware, brethren, that I often planned to come to you (but was hindered until now), that I might have some fruit among you also, just as among the other Gentiles.
Did you see it?
I bolded it, but you might have missed the significance. If Paul had not been hindered [in his going to see the brothers], the Letter to the Romans would have never been written. The other significant aspect is Paul had no idea that his letters would some day make up a large portion of the New Testament.
Let us remember…
The next time we’re stuck in traffic, or get fired from a job, or wind up in jail (like Paul)—God can and will use us in any situation we find ourselves…If we allow Him access to our agenda.
Come now, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit"; whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. Instead you ought to say, "If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that." James 4:13-15
Embrace a hindrance
Do you view sponsoring a child as a hindrance to your plans? If you do, then perhaps you should prayerfully consider allowing this hindrance in order that you might see what the Lord has planned.
COMPASSION dave and the Jesus + Compassion Group (*where sponsors hang out)
Paul was one smart fellow. He had the spiritual insight to know that whatever he did, or wherever he went was first and foremost dependant upon the will of his travel agent—God the Father. Do you trust your itinerary to God?
You Should
Consider Romans 1:13 and its implication:
Now I do not want you to be unaware, brethren, that I often planned to come to you (but was hindered until now), that I might have some fruit among you also, just as among the other Gentiles.
Did you see it?
I bolded it, but you might have missed the significance. If Paul had not been hindered [in his going to see the brothers], the Letter to the Romans would have never been written. The other significant aspect is Paul had no idea that his letters would some day make up a large portion of the New Testament.
Let us remember…
The next time we’re stuck in traffic, or get fired from a job, or wind up in jail (like Paul)—God can and will use us in any situation we find ourselves…If we allow Him access to our agenda.
Come now, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit"; whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. Instead you ought to say, "If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that." James 4:13-15
Embrace a hindrance
Do you view sponsoring a child as a hindrance to your plans? If you do, then perhaps you should prayerfully consider allowing this hindrance in order that you might see what the Lord has planned.
COMPASSION dave and the Jesus + Compassion Group (*where sponsors hang out)
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Of Boxcars and Thimbles
There is one glory of the sun, another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars; for one star differs from another star in glory. So also is the resurrection of the dead. 1 Corinthians 15:41-42
There is much talk as to what awaits us in Heaven and how the rewards we receive from the Father will be made manifest. One thing is for certain: we will all be pleased because we will all be filled. But what of the vessel, for both a thimble and a boxcar can be filled.
While each star in the Heavens is indeed glorious, they are not the same size; while some are mere specks in the sky, others are enormous. The issue becomes not if we will shine, but how brightly; will we become spiritual midgets or giants.
Does it matter?
Some might say it doesn’t matter—as long as they get to heaven they will be jubilant. That is true: all who make it to Heaven are overjoyed, regardless of their capacity to be filled, or the intensity of their glory. However, I suggest to you that what matters is not our yet-future Heavenly outlook, but our now-present earthly attitude. How happy are you in Jesus at this moment?
I further submit to you that Spiritual happiness is displayed in gratitude, and gratitude manifests itself in works – not works we have to do, but works, or service to the Lord, that we ‘get’ to do.
Do you see the difference?
We don’t have to go to church, we get to go. We don’t have to read our Bibles, we get to. We get to pray, we get to fellowship, and we get to love on one another. We get to share the Good News and we get to be the Body of Christ. We get to shine on earth, and the brighter we shine on earth, the brighter we will shine in Heaven – all for His glory.
Those who are wise shall shine Like the brightness of the firmament, And those who turn many to righteousness Like the stars forever and ever. Daniel 12:3
Shine Brighter Right Now--Click on the Compassion banner to sponsor a child
COMPASSION dave and the Jesus + Compassion Group (*where sponsors hang out)
There is much talk as to what awaits us in Heaven and how the rewards we receive from the Father will be made manifest. One thing is for certain: we will all be pleased because we will all be filled. But what of the vessel, for both a thimble and a boxcar can be filled.
While each star in the Heavens is indeed glorious, they are not the same size; while some are mere specks in the sky, others are enormous. The issue becomes not if we will shine, but how brightly; will we become spiritual midgets or giants.
Does it matter?
Some might say it doesn’t matter—as long as they get to heaven they will be jubilant. That is true: all who make it to Heaven are overjoyed, regardless of their capacity to be filled, or the intensity of their glory. However, I suggest to you that what matters is not our yet-future Heavenly outlook, but our now-present earthly attitude. How happy are you in Jesus at this moment?
I further submit to you that Spiritual happiness is displayed in gratitude, and gratitude manifests itself in works – not works we have to do, but works, or service to the Lord, that we ‘get’ to do.
Do you see the difference?
We don’t have to go to church, we get to go. We don’t have to read our Bibles, we get to. We get to pray, we get to fellowship, and we get to love on one another. We get to share the Good News and we get to be the Body of Christ. We get to shine on earth, and the brighter we shine on earth, the brighter we will shine in Heaven – all for His glory.
Those who are wise shall shine Like the brightness of the firmament, And those who turn many to righteousness Like the stars forever and ever. Daniel 12:3
Shine Brighter Right Now--Click on the Compassion banner to sponsor a child
COMPASSION dave and the Jesus + Compassion Group (*where sponsors hang out)
child sponsorship,
compassion dave,
Compassion International,
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
The Shame of the Husband
And if they want to learn something, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is shameful for women to speak in church. 1 Corinthians 14:35
This verse is directed at us. And we need to understand its implication. If our wives have been placed in a position of having to ask spiritual questions in the church then that means they are not getting their answers at home. The shame is not on the wives; the shame is upon the husbands.
In other words, if they are not being spiritually fed, we are not being the providers we ought to be, which likely means we are not in the Word and/or doing the saintly things we should be doing. As a result we are forcing our wives to look for answers outside of the home.
What’s the danger ?
Are not the answers to Biblical questions things to be treasured; are they not of great value? Well consider what Jesus has to say about those things:
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:21
If we force our women out of the house because we are not being the Godly men we are supposed to be, we are setting ourselves up for ruined marriages, or at the very least, marriages that are not all that they can be. The recipe for a fruitful marriage begins with a husband seeking to please the Lord.
But I want you to know that the head of every man is Christ, the head of woman is man, and the head of Christ is God. 1 Corinthians 11:3
COMPASSION dave and the Jesus + Compassion Group (*where sponsors hang out)
This verse is directed at us. And we need to understand its implication. If our wives have been placed in a position of having to ask spiritual questions in the church then that means they are not getting their answers at home. The shame is not on the wives; the shame is upon the husbands.
In other words, if they are not being spiritually fed, we are not being the providers we ought to be, which likely means we are not in the Word and/or doing the saintly things we should be doing. As a result we are forcing our wives to look for answers outside of the home.
What’s the danger ?
Are not the answers to Biblical questions things to be treasured; are they not of great value? Well consider what Jesus has to say about those things:
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:21
If we force our women out of the house because we are not being the Godly men we are supposed to be, we are setting ourselves up for ruined marriages, or at the very least, marriages that are not all that they can be. The recipe for a fruitful marriage begins with a husband seeking to please the Lord.
But I want you to know that the head of every man is Christ, the head of woman is man, and the head of Christ is God. 1 Corinthians 11:3
COMPASSION dave and the Jesus + Compassion Group (*where sponsors hang out)
Monday, March 10, 2008
Bible Formula Revealed
Let all things be done decently and in order. 1 Corinthians 14:40
Different churches have different approaches when it comes to exercising the gifts of the Holy Spirit . Some churches have the “let all things” part down cold, but aren’t to keen on the “decent and orderly” part, while other congregations have the “decent and orderly” component correct, but aren’t practicing ‘all’ the gifts.
The Apostle Paul adds these verses to help clarify matters.Let all things be done for edification.
For God is not the author of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints. 1 Corinthians 14:27, 33
Edification is just a fancy word for strengthening, or building up another person, or in this case the entire church. In the previous chapter we learned that God is love, but here we discover He is the author of peace. Where there is no peace there is likely no body-building going on; and where there’s no strengthening of the body there is probably no order or decency.
The Formula:
A+D+O = S+P+CAll things + Decency + Order = a Strong Peaceable Church.
Are you looking for a place to exercise your gifts, or an area to share the blessings of the Lord that He has freely given? Then I would suggest to you that perhaps it is no accident that you have stumbled upon this post today.
COMPASSION dave and the Jesus + Compassion Group (*where sponsors hang out)
Different churches have different approaches when it comes to exercising the gifts of the Holy Spirit . Some churches have the “let all things” part down cold, but aren’t to keen on the “decent and orderly” part, while other congregations have the “decent and orderly” component correct, but aren’t practicing ‘all’ the gifts.
The Apostle Paul adds these verses to help clarify matters.Let all things be done for edification.
For God is not the author of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints. 1 Corinthians 14:27, 33
Edification is just a fancy word for strengthening, or building up another person, or in this case the entire church. In the previous chapter we learned that God is love, but here we discover He is the author of peace. Where there is no peace there is likely no body-building going on; and where there’s no strengthening of the body there is probably no order or decency.
The Formula:
A+D+O = S+P+CAll things + Decency + Order = a Strong Peaceable Church.
Are you looking for a place to exercise your gifts, or an area to share the blessings of the Lord that He has freely given? Then I would suggest to you that perhaps it is no accident that you have stumbled upon this post today.
COMPASSION dave and the Jesus + Compassion Group (*where sponsors hang out)
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Warning: Your Personal Savings Account
Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you." Luke 6:31
I recently heard a story about a man who, while hiking in the wilderness had become caught in a blizzard. He walked for hours in the blinding snow and was soaked through, frost bitten, and exhausted. The compulsion to collapse in the snow and sleep unto death was overwhelming and so to his knees he fell.
In a second’s time, he tipped forward from his knees to his elbows, hoping to go fetal, but instead he felt a mass beneath the snow. He had literally stumbled upon another person; a person who he would discover was unconscious, but alive.
He lifted the man across his shoulders and began walking. In less than an hours time he came upon a cabin. This home was occupied, there was a fire burning, and both men were saved.
This man was saved in the saving of another.
This is not a story about finding salvation; if you know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you are saved. This is story of finding your purpose in order that you might live more abundantly in your salvation. Frankly, there are too many Christians dying in their faith; dying in their idleness.
The Lord would say to you and I, “Look around my child, there are bodies all around. Pick one up and begin walking.” We have a choice. In our salvation we can curl up and wait to die, or we can live abundantly now in the service we give to others and most importantly, in His precious name. The Bible verse at the top of the page is not about ’getting’ before you die, but ’giving’ so others might live.
Prayerfully Consider Sponsoring a COMPASSION child
Jesus + Compassion Group (*where sponsors hang out)
I recently heard a story about a man who, while hiking in the wilderness had become caught in a blizzard. He walked for hours in the blinding snow and was soaked through, frost bitten, and exhausted. The compulsion to collapse in the snow and sleep unto death was overwhelming and so to his knees he fell.
In a second’s time, he tipped forward from his knees to his elbows, hoping to go fetal, but instead he felt a mass beneath the snow. He had literally stumbled upon another person; a person who he would discover was unconscious, but alive.
He lifted the man across his shoulders and began walking. In less than an hours time he came upon a cabin. This home was occupied, there was a fire burning, and both men were saved.
This man was saved in the saving of another.
This is not a story about finding salvation; if you know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you are saved. This is story of finding your purpose in order that you might live more abundantly in your salvation. Frankly, there are too many Christians dying in their faith; dying in their idleness.
The Lord would say to you and I, “Look around my child, there are bodies all around. Pick one up and begin walking.” We have a choice. In our salvation we can curl up and wait to die, or we can live abundantly now in the service we give to others and most importantly, in His precious name. The Bible verse at the top of the page is not about ’getting’ before you die, but ’giving’ so others might live.
Prayerfully Consider Sponsoring a COMPASSION child
Jesus + Compassion Group (*where sponsors hang out)
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
10/W/40 Love
Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. 1 Corinthians 13:1
Love is that fruit of the Spirit that allows God’s power to flow through us by way of the gifts that He has provided. Removing love from this blueprint would be akin to removing the oil from your engine’s crankcase. A car without oil will run for a while, make a whole lot of noise, and then stop entirely.
A Better Illustration From God
And they made bells of pure gold, and put the bells between the pomegranates on the hem of the robe all around between the pomegranates: a bell and a pomegranate, a bell and a pomegranate, all around the hem of the robe to minister in, as the Lord had commanded Moses.
Notice how the bells might be symbolic of the Lord’s gifts and also how the pomegranates represent love; a fruit of the Spirit. Bell-fruit-bell-fruit-etc-etc. Without this buffer of love between each gift, we would be left with a cacophony of metal clanging against metal, but with love in-between, each bell’s clear tone can be distinguished one from another.
Don’t Ever Forget the Love
COMPASSION dave and the Jesus + Compassion Group
While on the topic of love…(*sponsor a child)
Love is that fruit of the Spirit that allows God’s power to flow through us by way of the gifts that He has provided. Removing love from this blueprint would be akin to removing the oil from your engine’s crankcase. A car without oil will run for a while, make a whole lot of noise, and then stop entirely.
A Better Illustration From God
And they made bells of pure gold, and put the bells between the pomegranates on the hem of the robe all around between the pomegranates: a bell and a pomegranate, a bell and a pomegranate, all around the hem of the robe to minister in, as the Lord had commanded Moses.
Exodus 39:25-26
Notice how the bells might be symbolic of the Lord’s gifts and also how the pomegranates represent love; a fruit of the Spirit. Bell-fruit-bell-fruit-etc-etc. Without this buffer of love between each gift, we would be left with a cacophony of metal clanging against metal, but with love in-between, each bell’s clear tone can be distinguished one from another.
Don’t Ever Forget the Love
COMPASSION dave and the Jesus + Compassion Group
While on the topic of love…(*sponsor a child)
Compassion International,
Holy Spirit,
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
One Million Candles

We Celebrate!
First and foremost we celebrate our Creator, for it is He who has willed the Compassion ministry ~and~ all the other ministries founded on the Rock that is His Son, Jesus Christ. All praise, honor, and glory to God the Father, the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
We celebrate the church; that is, the Body of Christ—His hands and feet that continually yield to the will of the Father here on earth. We also celebrate in anticipation that others will be provoked to jealousy; to becoming active, yielding contributors to this same body.
We celebrate Jeffry and all the children that came before him and Lord willing, the countless millions that will follow him. For it is in these children we see the power of our living God displayed; one million candles burning brightly for God’s glory in one million corners of the globe.
How can you not celebrate?
The celebration continues. I ask you, should we not be as exuberant for that nameless kid who represents the one-millionth-and-one registered child, for that child has been registered as well. I submit to you that the best way to celebrate is to have more children at the party. Onward Christians—onward towards saving His second-million children and in Jesus’ name.
Sponsor a Child Today (there must be a link somewhere on this page)
child sponsorship,
Compassion International,
one million
Monday, March 3, 2008
Trailer Trash ?
Don't Question Authority
I heard about the movie Expelled and figured I would likely go see it when it comes out, despite the fact that it featured Ben Stein. Don't get me wrong. I like Ben Stein. It's just that I thought any movie with him in it would likely be a sophomoric attempt at coarse humor, the likes of which a 'good Christian' should not partake.
Then I saw the movie's trailer Wow.
I was moved and I am anxiously awaiting for this movies release. It appears that the Lord might just use the movie "Expelled" in a powerful way.Watch the trailer.
Now if only Ben would come to know Jesus as Christ.
I heard about the movie Expelled and figured I would likely go see it when it comes out, despite the fact that it featured Ben Stein. Don't get me wrong. I like Ben Stein. It's just that I thought any movie with him in it would likely be a sophomoric attempt at coarse humor, the likes of which a 'good Christian' should not partake.
Then I saw the movie's trailer Wow.
I was moved and I am anxiously awaiting for this movies release. It appears that the Lord might just use the movie "Expelled" in a powerful way.Watch the trailer.
Now if only Ben would come to know Jesus as Christ.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Your Compassion Date in 2008
An Overwhelming Need
Every three seconds a child under age 5 dies from poverty-related causes that Compassion's ministry is skilled at preventing. But it takes only one voice — yours — to fight poverty.
By hosting a Compassion Sunday event, you can expand your personal ministry and help transform the lives of hundreds or even thousands of impoverished children and families worldwide. And you can be a part of it without spending a single cent.
Reversing the Tide
It all starts by being willing to "speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves" and "defend the rights of the poor and needy" (Proverbs 31:8-9) and by hosting a Compassion Sunday event at your church. Compassion Sunday is an annual national campaign that links impoverished children with loving sponsors. Last year's campaign resulted in nearly 21,000 new child sponsorships. With your help, we hope to surpass this number again this year. It's the perfect way to answer God's call to help the poor and needy children.
The official Compassion Sunday 2008 date is April 13, but you can host an event any day of the year that works best for your church. We provide, free of charge, everything you need and will walk you through the simple process from start to finish. Hosting a Compassion Sunday event is easier than ever. Want to get started? Follow this simple three-step process:
Order your Planning Folder
Plan your Compassion Sunday
Order your Compassion Sunday event materials
Open your heart and help find sponsors for children in need. Discover the deep fulfillment and sense of purpose that comes from making a genuine difference in children's lives by hosting a Compassion Sunday event.
Don’t Want to do it Alone?
There are almost 2000 advocate volunteers like myself in the USA who are willing to come to YOUR church and share the Compassion ministry with your congregation. Again, there are no fees involved whatsoever; we just simply want to save the lives of children and in the name of Jesus.
COMPASSION dave and the Jesus + Compassion Group
Every three seconds a child under age 5 dies from poverty-related causes that Compassion's ministry is skilled at preventing. But it takes only one voice — yours — to fight poverty.
By hosting a Compassion Sunday event, you can expand your personal ministry and help transform the lives of hundreds or even thousands of impoverished children and families worldwide. And you can be a part of it without spending a single cent.
Reversing the Tide
It all starts by being willing to "speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves" and "defend the rights of the poor and needy" (Proverbs 31:8-9) and by hosting a Compassion Sunday event at your church. Compassion Sunday is an annual national campaign that links impoverished children with loving sponsors. Last year's campaign resulted in nearly 21,000 new child sponsorships. With your help, we hope to surpass this number again this year. It's the perfect way to answer God's call to help the poor and needy children.
The official Compassion Sunday 2008 date is April 13, but you can host an event any day of the year that works best for your church. We provide, free of charge, everything you need and will walk you through the simple process from start to finish. Hosting a Compassion Sunday event is easier than ever. Want to get started? Follow this simple three-step process:
Order your Planning Folder
Plan your Compassion Sunday
Order your Compassion Sunday event materials
Open your heart and help find sponsors for children in need. Discover the deep fulfillment and sense of purpose that comes from making a genuine difference in children's lives by hosting a Compassion Sunday event.
Don’t Want to do it Alone?
There are almost 2000 advocate volunteers like myself in the USA who are willing to come to YOUR church and share the Compassion ministry with your congregation. Again, there are no fees involved whatsoever; we just simply want to save the lives of children and in the name of Jesus.
COMPASSION dave and the Jesus + Compassion Group
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Compassion Magazine ~and~ Compassion Radio
Did you know you can read Compassion's inspirational publication, Compassion Magazine, on our Web site? In each issue you will hear from the heart of our president, view a captivating photo essay, and be inspired by stories of Compassion's work around the world. The magazine is sure to be a powerful source of motivation as you advocate for children in poverty. Read Compassion Magazine right from your computer or download and print it to share with your friends.
We're on the radio too!
"Speak Up With Compassion" hosted by Compassion's President, Wess Stafford: "Kenya: Pray For the Children" is our new 25-minute radio special that takes you behind the scenes as the violence unfolds. Hear firsthand accounts of how Compassion's work in Kenya has been affected and what actions are being taken to reach out to children. And hear from church leaders who tell us what our role should be in this crisis.
We're on the radio too!
"Speak Up With Compassion" hosted by Compassion's President, Wess Stafford: "Kenya: Pray For the Children" is our new 25-minute radio special that takes you behind the scenes as the violence unfolds. Hear firsthand accounts of how Compassion's work in Kenya has been affected and what actions are being taken to reach out to children. And hear from church leaders who tell us what our role should be in this crisis.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Rain and Riots
(*From Compassion International)
Peru UPDATE: Feb. 28, 2008 - The heavy rains plaguing the northwestern region of Peru have damaged the homes of several Compassion-assisted children. In order to assess the needs of all the Compassion-assisted families in the affected areas, field-based facilitators are visiting each of the homes of the sponsored children.The regions of Chiclayo and Piura are under a government-declared state of emergency. Please pray for the health, safety and provision of Compassion staff, families and children in Peru.
On Feb. 25, two Compassion-assisted child development centers, Ayudando a Sonreir, Ayudas Student Center (PE-331) and Perlas de Gran Preciou Student Center (PE-377), have been damaged as a result of prolonged, intense rains in Piura on Peru’s northern coast.
The overflow of water from the rivers has damaged the homes of several Compassion children, while the rains have collapsed several roofs. The entire area maintains at heightened alert due to the rains and flooding.Compassion Peru is waiting to receive information regarding child development centers hindered by damaged infrastructure and power outages.
Kenya UPDATE: Feb. 26, 2008 - The affected Compassion child development centers previously mentioned have enjoyed a time of calm recently. Though tension remains high in some areas, centers are now accessible and activities have resumed.However, parents of Compassion-assisted children are still hesitant to send their children to the centers, so attendance is relatively low. The ramifications of the violence are deeply felt by the children.Compassion Kenya is steadily decreasing relief interventions, as Kenyans begin to settle back into their normal routines and lives.Currently, Compassion is offering disaster response training and equipment for affected child development centers, as well as providing post-trauma counseling for children and families in all the affected centers.
Reconstruction on houses, churches and classrooms is also in progress.Chief mediator, Kofi Annan, has stated that Kenyans could soon realize short-term solutions to current political crisis in the country. He has indicated that progress is being made following the talks to resolve the political stalemate.Compassion Kenya (and Compassion Peru) will provide additional updates as more information becomes available. Compassion International will contact you directly if your sponsored child has been affected.
Be part of the solution — Be a tool in the Master’s Hand — Sponsor a child
Peru UPDATE: Feb. 28, 2008 - The heavy rains plaguing the northwestern region of Peru have damaged the homes of several Compassion-assisted children. In order to assess the needs of all the Compassion-assisted families in the affected areas, field-based facilitators are visiting each of the homes of the sponsored children.The regions of Chiclayo and Piura are under a government-declared state of emergency. Please pray for the health, safety and provision of Compassion staff, families and children in Peru.
On Feb. 25, two Compassion-assisted child development centers, Ayudando a Sonreir, Ayudas Student Center (PE-331) and Perlas de Gran Preciou Student Center (PE-377), have been damaged as a result of prolonged, intense rains in Piura on Peru’s northern coast.
The overflow of water from the rivers has damaged the homes of several Compassion children, while the rains have collapsed several roofs. The entire area maintains at heightened alert due to the rains and flooding.Compassion Peru is waiting to receive information regarding child development centers hindered by damaged infrastructure and power outages.
Kenya UPDATE: Feb. 26, 2008 - The affected Compassion child development centers previously mentioned have enjoyed a time of calm recently. Though tension remains high in some areas, centers are now accessible and activities have resumed.However, parents of Compassion-assisted children are still hesitant to send their children to the centers, so attendance is relatively low. The ramifications of the violence are deeply felt by the children.Compassion Kenya is steadily decreasing relief interventions, as Kenyans begin to settle back into their normal routines and lives.Currently, Compassion is offering disaster response training and equipment for affected child development centers, as well as providing post-trauma counseling for children and families in all the affected centers.
Reconstruction on houses, churches and classrooms is also in progress.Chief mediator, Kofi Annan, has stated that Kenyans could soon realize short-term solutions to current political crisis in the country. He has indicated that progress is being made following the talks to resolve the political stalemate.Compassion Kenya (and Compassion Peru) will provide additional updates as more information becomes available. Compassion International will contact you directly if your sponsored child has been affected.
Be part of the solution — Be a tool in the Master’s Hand — Sponsor a child
Thursday, February 28, 2008
How Will You Be Remembered
How Will You Be RememberedIn the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. Martin Luther King Jr
By now it may be apparent to you that I am an advocate for children living in poverty around the globe, seeking to connect Christian sponsors with them in order that they might rise above the ranks of poverty and become fulfilled, Christian adults, who are able to care for themselves and their families. To that end I am a volunteer with the Christian ministry Compassion International.
I came upon Martin Luther King’s quote this morning and my thoughts went immediately to these children. Actually I envisioned a parent. A parent of one of these kids who, at the end of an exhausting day of trying to make ends meet and scraping together enough food to feed the family collapses in a pile of silent tears and frustration.
“Where are my friends?”
“I understand why my enemies do not speak up to help me,” the parent continues, “but where are my friends? Where are the people who say they love me?” The silence to these parents must be deafening. Perpetually waiting for a friend who is not coming likely qualifies as the most frightening experience known to man.
But whoever has this world's goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him? 1 John 3:17
As Christian Americans we have (at the very least) two things in our favor. First, we have Jesus Christ and all the wonderful things that go along with that blessed relationship. Second, as Americans, we possess the world’s goods. While the world’s goods do not compare to Heavenly riches, it does not negate the fact that we enjoy them.
Friend or Foe
I doubt I would be hard pressed to find anyone who would openly acknowledge that they hate children living in poverty. However, as Christians we determine the goodness of a tree not by what it declares, but by what it produces. A fruitless tree does not have the capacity to hate its owner, but a fruitless Christian does bear witness to that truth. If you are a friend then you will likely act like one.
My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth. 1 John 3:18
Compassion dave
By now it may be apparent to you that I am an advocate for children living in poverty around the globe, seeking to connect Christian sponsors with them in order that they might rise above the ranks of poverty and become fulfilled, Christian adults, who are able to care for themselves and their families. To that end I am a volunteer with the Christian ministry Compassion International.
I came upon Martin Luther King’s quote this morning and my thoughts went immediately to these children. Actually I envisioned a parent. A parent of one of these kids who, at the end of an exhausting day of trying to make ends meet and scraping together enough food to feed the family collapses in a pile of silent tears and frustration.
“Where are my friends?”
“I understand why my enemies do not speak up to help me,” the parent continues, “but where are my friends? Where are the people who say they love me?” The silence to these parents must be deafening. Perpetually waiting for a friend who is not coming likely qualifies as the most frightening experience known to man.
But whoever has this world's goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him? 1 John 3:17
As Christian Americans we have (at the very least) two things in our favor. First, we have Jesus Christ and all the wonderful things that go along with that blessed relationship. Second, as Americans, we possess the world’s goods. While the world’s goods do not compare to Heavenly riches, it does not negate the fact that we enjoy them.
Friend or Foe
I doubt I would be hard pressed to find anyone who would openly acknowledge that they hate children living in poverty. However, as Christians we determine the goodness of a tree not by what it declares, but by what it produces. A fruitless tree does not have the capacity to hate its owner, but a fruitless Christian does bear witness to that truth. If you are a friend then you will likely act like one.
My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth. 1 John 3:18
Compassion dave
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
The Question That Launched a Ministry
I'll tell you right from the get-go, the video is 15 minutes long. Normally, I wouldn't post something this long, but then again, I am not normal. While my agenda typically involves finding Christians to sponsor children, this video by Shaun Groves speaks to the believer on more than just one level.
"Why yes, I would love some feedback. Thank you for asking!" Please respond here or HERE
"Why yes, I would love some feedback. Thank you for asking!" Please respond here or HERE
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful; all things are lawful for me, but not all things edify. 1 Corinthians 10:23
This verse is often taken out of its context in order [for some] to justify a sinful behavior or activity. I would suggest that before exercising any presumed freedom or liberty in Christ Jesus you consider your honest responses to the following three (3) questions.
I submit to you that sponsoring a child who lives in poverty, through a minstry such as Compassion International, positively addresses each of those questions.
Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ. 1 Corinthians 11:1
This verse is often taken out of its context in order [for some] to justify a sinful behavior or activity. I would suggest that before exercising any presumed freedom or liberty in Christ Jesus you consider your honest responses to the following three (3) questions.
- Can I thank God for what I am about to do?
- Will God be glorified?
- Will I stumble another person?
I submit to you that sponsoring a child who lives in poverty, through a minstry such as Compassion International, positively addresses each of those questions.
Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ. 1 Corinthians 11:1
child sponsorship,
Compassion International,
Monday, February 25, 2008
Wonder Bread (God’s Other Manna)
Only rebel not ye against the LORD, neither fear ye the people of the land; for they are bread for us... the Lord is with us. Numbers 14:9
Why haven’t you sponsored a Compassion child?
I don’t really want to know the reason; I just want you to think about it. I don’t desire to belittle or diminish the magnitude of your reason, but in actuality I want to be in agreement with you as to its size and scope. In fact, I am just going to go ahead and say it, “Your reason is justifiably huge!”
That reminds me of the verse above.
Caleb and Joshua, and ten other spies had just returned from spying out the Promised Land and returned with the report. “While it truly flows with milk and honey, there is a gigantic problem,” ten of them would say (paraphrase mine). There were in fact giant-defenders in the land and these guys were scared stiff.
Notice that Caleb did not deny the report, nor did he attempt to diminish the problem, but merely said that these problems were as, “bread for us.” In other words, Caleb looked at these giants and saw them not as obstacles, but as nourishment—just as bread nourishes the body, so would these giants promote our growth. Caleb further understood that the Lord who brought them to this place of growth and decision would also provide for their needs.
Let’s return to our problem.
Yes--we agree it’s big, but can we also agree that the God who brought us here is bigger? Let’s be honest, if poverty were an easy thing to overcome there wouldn’t be any such thing. But you have been given a vision of one child; a child free from the bonds of physical and spiritual poverty. As the giant emerges, will you shrink away, or will you say as Caleb said, that he is as, “bread for us.”
The body of Christ is nourished as we overcome giants. If God has brought you to it, He will see you through it.
No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it. 1 Corinthians 10:13
Why haven’t you sponsored a Compassion child?
I don’t really want to know the reason; I just want you to think about it. I don’t desire to belittle or diminish the magnitude of your reason, but in actuality I want to be in agreement with you as to its size and scope. In fact, I am just going to go ahead and say it, “Your reason is justifiably huge!”
That reminds me of the verse above.
Caleb and Joshua, and ten other spies had just returned from spying out the Promised Land and returned with the report. “While it truly flows with milk and honey, there is a gigantic problem,” ten of them would say (paraphrase mine). There were in fact giant-defenders in the land and these guys were scared stiff.
Notice that Caleb did not deny the report, nor did he attempt to diminish the problem, but merely said that these problems were as, “bread for us.” In other words, Caleb looked at these giants and saw them not as obstacles, but as nourishment—just as bread nourishes the body, so would these giants promote our growth. Caleb further understood that the Lord who brought them to this place of growth and decision would also provide for their needs.
Let’s return to our problem.
Yes--we agree it’s big, but can we also agree that the God who brought us here is bigger? Let’s be honest, if poverty were an easy thing to overcome there wouldn’t be any such thing. But you have been given a vision of one child; a child free from the bonds of physical and spiritual poverty. As the giant emerges, will you shrink away, or will you say as Caleb said, that he is as, “bread for us.”
The body of Christ is nourished as we overcome giants. If God has brought you to it, He will see you through it.
No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it. 1 Corinthians 10:13
child sponsorship,
Compassion International,
wonder bread
A Child's Story
Lois is a formerly sponsored Compassion child from Uganda and I had the unique pleasure of listening to her share her testimony a few nights ago while at the Compassion national conference. Her story was so compelling, I actually found myself on the edge of my seat, my head cradled on my palms in order to hear her better. I hope and pray my retelling of a small portion of her story does it justice.
Lois is a survivor.
She grew up living in poverty and during the most turbulent times in Uganda's recent history; a period of horrific genocide. Lois recounted those days prior to her being sponsored.
"The rebels would come at night, house to house killing everyone, " she told us.
Lois related how it was no longer safe for the children to remain in their homes at night, so in the evening the children of the village would walk, en masse approximately 10 miles to a hospital where they could sleep safely until morning. They would then make the 10 mile trek back to their homes, only to repeat the trip again the next day as the sun began to set.
Occasionally, as the children walked the road, they would see or hear the rebels and would have to run off into the woods as far and as fast they could. There they would hide until they felt the rebels had past or had given up looking for children. The children learned to run off separately, for in this way if one of them was to be captured, the rebels would only have caught the one child.What Lois said next chilled me to my core.
"The following year, when I was 8 years old..."
It seemed simple enough, Lois was merely continuing her chronological story, but then it hit me. My daughter is 7 years old! In the next few seconds, Lois's story became so vivid, so real to me, as I envisioned my precious little girl running into the woods, alone, fleeing for her very life, hiding from men who sought to abuse and then likely kill her. My heart suddenly ached with pain and tears began rolling down my face. The thought of my baby in Lois's shoes chills me even now as I recall her words.
Lois is a survivor.
In time, things had settled down and normalcy returned, that is however normal a life being lived in extreme poverty can be. A Compassion project was coming to her village.Lois was accepted into the project, her picture was taken, and it was placed into a child packet along with a biography. Within a short period of time, a person who would ultimately become Lois's child packet, picked it and became her sponsor.
If you were not aware, Compassion has a slogan, "You may not be able to change the world, but you can change the world for one child, " and I suspect that was the very thought that went through this sponsor's mind as she gazed at Lois's photograph, "I can't do much, but I can help this little girl.". But then, as Lois continued her testimony, it occurred to me--her sponsor had in fact changed the world.
Lois you see, excelled in her school work and in sports, to the point where she became eligible for Compassion's Leadership Development Program (LDP). Lois would be able to attend college and achieve her degree. But things would get even better.
Lois was a volleyball player, and while enrolled in the LDP program, her talent on the volleyball court was caught by college scouts. No fewer than 3 universities in the USA were offering scholarships. Eventually Lois was offered, and she accepted, a full scholarship to the University of South Carolina. She has since graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Service and is currently working on her masters degree. It is her hope to return to Uganda after her schooling in order that she may serve her Lord and Savior by giving back to her community. Additionally, Lois has begin giving her testimony across this country at churches and Christian events, resulting in scores of children being sponsored.
I don't know the name of Lois's sponsor, but I hope she knows that she did change the world for one child and, she has also changed the world, for this world will no longer be the same with her and Lois in it -- willing tools in the Master's hands.I challenge you to change the world for one child and in doing so, change the world, for His honor, glory, and praise.
Sponsor a child right now.
Lois is a survivor.
She grew up living in poverty and during the most turbulent times in Uganda's recent history; a period of horrific genocide. Lois recounted those days prior to her being sponsored.
"The rebels would come at night, house to house killing everyone, " she told us.
Lois related how it was no longer safe for the children to remain in their homes at night, so in the evening the children of the village would walk, en masse approximately 10 miles to a hospital where they could sleep safely until morning. They would then make the 10 mile trek back to their homes, only to repeat the trip again the next day as the sun began to set.
Occasionally, as the children walked the road, they would see or hear the rebels and would have to run off into the woods as far and as fast they could. There they would hide until they felt the rebels had past or had given up looking for children. The children learned to run off separately, for in this way if one of them was to be captured, the rebels would only have caught the one child.What Lois said next chilled me to my core.
"The following year, when I was 8 years old..."
It seemed simple enough, Lois was merely continuing her chronological story, but then it hit me. My daughter is 7 years old! In the next few seconds, Lois's story became so vivid, so real to me, as I envisioned my precious little girl running into the woods, alone, fleeing for her very life, hiding from men who sought to abuse and then likely kill her. My heart suddenly ached with pain and tears began rolling down my face. The thought of my baby in Lois's shoes chills me even now as I recall her words.
Lois is a survivor.
In time, things had settled down and normalcy returned, that is however normal a life being lived in extreme poverty can be. A Compassion project was coming to her village.Lois was accepted into the project, her picture was taken, and it was placed into a child packet along with a biography. Within a short period of time, a person who would ultimately become Lois's child packet, picked it and became her sponsor.
If you were not aware, Compassion has a slogan, "You may not be able to change the world, but you can change the world for one child, " and I suspect that was the very thought that went through this sponsor's mind as she gazed at Lois's photograph, "I can't do much, but I can help this little girl.". But then, as Lois continued her testimony, it occurred to me--her sponsor had in fact changed the world.
Lois you see, excelled in her school work and in sports, to the point where she became eligible for Compassion's Leadership Development Program (LDP). Lois would be able to attend college and achieve her degree. But things would get even better.
Lois was a volleyball player, and while enrolled in the LDP program, her talent on the volleyball court was caught by college scouts. No fewer than 3 universities in the USA were offering scholarships. Eventually Lois was offered, and she accepted, a full scholarship to the University of South Carolina. She has since graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Service and is currently working on her masters degree. It is her hope to return to Uganda after her schooling in order that she may serve her Lord and Savior by giving back to her community. Additionally, Lois has begin giving her testimony across this country at churches and Christian events, resulting in scores of children being sponsored.
I don't know the name of Lois's sponsor, but I hope she knows that she did change the world for one child and, she has also changed the world, for this world will no longer be the same with her and Lois in it -- willing tools in the Master's hands.I challenge you to change the world for one child and in doing so, change the world, for His honor, glory, and praise.
Sponsor a child right now.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
How Jesus Brought in the New Year
(*An obvious repost)
First let me say, “Happy New Year!” Last night (New Year’s Eve) I came home from church about 11 PM and intended to plop in front of the tube and watch that inane ball drop out of the sky, but got on the computer instead. Looking back I see God was guiding my steps.
I logged on and eventually (11:46 PM) stumbled upon a message from a woman named Sarah on my profile page. It read (in part), “My heart has been touched very largely by the spirit of God tonight - that I sponsor a child… I need you to help me fulfill my last wish for 2006. Can you tell me if there are children in any of the countries that compassion assists/covers, whom are crippled or in need of help because of disability, including hunger? My daughter is disabled, and to think that she might be a child in one of these countries, who is hungry as well, is too much to explain the depth of my feelings. I want to help children like her - ones who have not passed yet, who are in need of quick help”
I heart began to race - I had 14 minutes to find this person a ’special-needs’ child to sponsor (I didn’t figure out until much later that Sarah was in Colorado and I had over 2 hours to fulfill her ‘last request for 2006, but I digress).
In a short time I had directed Sarah to the Compassion website and well (as they say) the rest is history. Here is Sarah’s story (shared with her permission from a post she left on the MySpace Compassion Group):
(I am a new member of this group! My name is Sarah, and I have two children - Lily and Leo. Lily is three and is disabled. She is very smart, and very happy! Leo is a four month old - on his way to good trouble!)
My Compassion Story:
Tonight I didn’t make plans to go out. I went to church, then went to lunch with friends and visited a few other friends, then came home to be with Lily. Tonight, God had something planned!
I watched the Anderson Cooper interview with Angelina Jolie and was heartbroken over each of their stories, and Anderson’s coverage on children suffering from hunger in Africa. I know I am not the only one, nor is this the only time that someone has felt compelled to do something for a child after seeing such stories. However, it was strong. I could hardly eat my dinner afterward without thanking God for each bite after I saw that interview.
So I got on MySpace and looked up “Compassion International”. I found them, and clicked on the first advocate I could find - he was online. I told him that I had heard of Compassion International through the church I attend here in Fort Collins, The Vineyard, on a Sunday when the focus was on children and speaking up for them. I was busy presenting/helping launch a Special Needs Children’s program at the church, and didn’t think to sponsor a child. I said that it was now on my heart to do so, and that I had one preference -= that the child have special needs.
I requested this because I can’t imagine children like Lily doing well in a country where even food is sparse. I wanted to be of aid to a child who would get some of the things that Lily does, despite the fact that they do not benefit from American resources.
He wrote back! He told me to go to the website and select a child with special needs by clicking on the choice on the left hand side of the screen. That was my only preference, out of all the children and all the countries Compassion covers. There were 30 children. There had to have been more at some point however, I knew in my heart that some of them probably died - because of larger vulnerability when hit with disease and hunger.
I browsed through the kids photos and was struck by one. It was a little boy, and he was SMILING. This big cute grin. I thought “Lily smiles almost all the time despite her disability, and here is this sweet boy who is REALLY in a worse situation and he is smiling!” I clicked on him and read on - his daily chores, his age and that he is crippled in both feet. When I got to his country, I knew right then he was my choice for sponsorship. He was from Brazil - Lily is half Brazilian/Portuguese. WOW. God is wonderful!!
I even called my boyfriend to share my story, and this is what he said.
“Many people are out on New Year’s Eve, spending $20 - $30 on drinks and here you are, sponsoring a child on the last day of the year!”
Are you moved at all? — > COMPASSION site HERE
First let me say, “Happy New Year!” Last night (New Year’s Eve) I came home from church about 11 PM and intended to plop in front of the tube and watch that inane ball drop out of the sky, but got on the computer instead. Looking back I see God was guiding my steps.
I logged on and eventually (11:46 PM) stumbled upon a message from a woman named Sarah on my profile page. It read (in part), “My heart has been touched very largely by the spirit of God tonight - that I sponsor a child… I need you to help me fulfill my last wish for 2006. Can you tell me if there are children in any of the countries that compassion assists/covers, whom are crippled or in need of help because of disability, including hunger? My daughter is disabled, and to think that she might be a child in one of these countries, who is hungry as well, is too much to explain the depth of my feelings. I want to help children like her - ones who have not passed yet, who are in need of quick help”
I heart began to race - I had 14 minutes to find this person a ’special-needs’ child to sponsor (I didn’t figure out until much later that Sarah was in Colorado and I had over 2 hours to fulfill her ‘last request for 2006, but I digress).
In a short time I had directed Sarah to the Compassion website and well (as they say) the rest is history. Here is Sarah’s story (shared with her permission from a post she left on the MySpace Compassion Group):
(I am a new member of this group! My name is Sarah, and I have two children - Lily and Leo. Lily is three and is disabled. She is very smart, and very happy! Leo is a four month old - on his way to good trouble!)
My Compassion Story:
Tonight I didn’t make plans to go out. I went to church, then went to lunch with friends and visited a few other friends, then came home to be with Lily. Tonight, God had something planned!
I watched the Anderson Cooper interview with Angelina Jolie and was heartbroken over each of their stories, and Anderson’s coverage on children suffering from hunger in Africa. I know I am not the only one, nor is this the only time that someone has felt compelled to do something for a child after seeing such stories. However, it was strong. I could hardly eat my dinner afterward without thanking God for each bite after I saw that interview.
So I got on MySpace and looked up “Compassion International”. I found them, and clicked on the first advocate I could find - he was online. I told him that I had heard of Compassion International through the church I attend here in Fort Collins, The Vineyard, on a Sunday when the focus was on children and speaking up for them. I was busy presenting/helping launch a Special Needs Children’s program at the church, and didn’t think to sponsor a child. I said that it was now on my heart to do so, and that I had one preference -= that the child have special needs.
I requested this because I can’t imagine children like Lily doing well in a country where even food is sparse. I wanted to be of aid to a child who would get some of the things that Lily does, despite the fact that they do not benefit from American resources.
He wrote back! He told me to go to the website and select a child with special needs by clicking on the choice on the left hand side of the screen. That was my only preference, out of all the children and all the countries Compassion covers. There were 30 children. There had to have been more at some point however, I knew in my heart that some of them probably died - because of larger vulnerability when hit with disease and hunger.
I browsed through the kids photos and was struck by one. It was a little boy, and he was SMILING. This big cute grin. I thought “Lily smiles almost all the time despite her disability, and here is this sweet boy who is REALLY in a worse situation and he is smiling!” I clicked on him and read on - his daily chores, his age and that he is crippled in both feet. When I got to his country, I knew right then he was my choice for sponsorship. He was from Brazil - Lily is half Brazilian/Portuguese. WOW. God is wonderful!!
I even called my boyfriend to share my story, and this is what he said.
“Many people are out on New Year’s Eve, spending $20 - $30 on drinks and here you are, sponsoring a child on the last day of the year!”
Are you moved at all? — > COMPASSION site HERE
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